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Remove artificial dependency on XML::Simple

Marek Szuba requested to merge no_xml_simple into master

Created by: mkszuba


Remove the only line in the whole of the repository which (still?) depended on XML::Simple, and no longer require that module in cpanfile.

Use case

The bit of code in question, TAIROntologyParser, did not actually use that module - it merely imported XMLin from it and left it at that. Moreover, XML::Simple has long been deprecated.


Gets rid of an unnecessary dependency.

Possible Drawbacks

None I can think of, considering the status of XML::Simple and that there is still at least one XML parser - namely XML::LibXML - we depend on.


Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes?


If so, do the tests pass/fail?


Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected?

Run the entire test suite both before and after the change. It has passed on both occasions.

Merge request reports