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Xref parser mgiparser

Marek Szuba requested to merge xref_parser_mgiparser into feature/xref_sprint

Created by: premanand17


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    • do not modify code without testing for regression
    • provide simple unit tests to test the changes
    • if you change the schema you must patch the test databases as well, see Updating the schema
    • the PR must not fail unit testing



Used Text:CSV for parsing the file Removed loading for mgi description from xref table Updated to get the description from the same file being read (MRK_ENSEMBL.rpt)

Use case

XrefParser for source MGI (MGI_official) for mouse (mus musculus)


Code quality improvements, removed dependency on previous loaded mgi description from xref table

Possible Drawbacks



No until test. However, have tested it by running the xref_parser script and checked the _xref database for row counts.

Merge request reports