Feb 6, 2019–Feb 20, 2019
MVP for an EMBL Group WordPress
As a group at EMBL HD
I want a microsite to present my team to the world
So that people can understand our work
- EMBL.org theme
- Running on dev.beta.embl.org
- The microsite contain the following pages
- 'home' - a description of the team, latest blog posts & open positions in that team
- 'about' - an editorially controlled page (in WordPress)
- 'members' - a list of people in the team
- 'collaborations' - an editorially controlled page (in WordPress)
- team description comes from contentHub
- team members comes from contentHub
- team members are only EMBL HD staff members
- contentHub is being fed data about EMBL HD staff members from the EDM
- Running on CaaS
Specifically out of scope
- Metadata from the contentDB about EBI peopl
- EBI theme
- Other templates
- Publications
- Alumni
Target EMBL groups
- Cuylen
- Hufnagel
- De Renzis
- Ikmi
- Patil
- Fiedler
- Avner
- Heppenstall
- Sharpe
- Volunteers to test the group pages system, but they currently use more than just About, Members, Publications and Contact
- Alexander Aulehla
- Detlev Arendt
- Thomas Schneider
Technical Infrastucture
What we want to have by the end of this sprint
- Sites running on CaaS
- Automated boot strapping of the MVP WordPress functionality
- Ability to create multiple sites via some config mechanism that technical people can use
- S3 content uploads
What we know we won't have in this sprint
- Multi DC redundancy
- DBs being managed by the DB team
- Backups!
- Monitoring
- Tight security
- SAML for logins
- A process for non technical people to launch sites