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Some numpy wizardry explained 🧙

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    Authored by Julien Jerphanion

    Get the full maths here.

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    import numpy as np
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        Ns, Msplus2, Nt, Mt = 30, 32, 20, 20
        phi_long = np.random.rand(Ns, Msplus2)
        phi_lat = np.random.rand(Nt, Mt)
        # Numpy wizardry 🧙
        Phi = np.einsum('il, kj->iklj', phi_long, phi_lat)
        assert Phi.shape == (Ns, Nt, Msplus2, Mt)
        print("Bytes needed for Phi:", Phi.nbytes)
        intended_Phi = np.zeros((Ns, Nt, Msplus2, Mt))
        # Computing the outer product on the last axis
        for i in range(Ns):
            for j in range(Nt):
                for l in range(Msplus2):
                    for k in range(Mt):
                        intended_Phi[i, j, l, k] = phi_long[i, l] * phi_lat[j, k]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(Phi, intended_Phi)
        # Testing reshaping
        reshaped_Phi = Phi.reshape((Ns * Nt, Msplus2 * Mt))
        intended_reshaped_Phi = np.zeros((Ns * Nt, Msplus2 * Mt))
        for i in range(Ns):
            for j in range(Nt):
                for l in range(Msplus2):
                    for k in range(Mt):
                        p = i * Nt + j
                        m = l * Mt + k
                        intended_reshaped_Phi[p, m] = Phi[i, j, l, k]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(reshaped_Phi, intended_reshaped_Phi)
        print("Julien loves tensor.")
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