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Commit 71ff6708 authored by Oliver Smart's avatar Oliver Smart
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Test process_components_cif with a filename that cannot exist.

For issue #17 process_components_cif script to read complete components.cif and produce PDBeChem ftp area

Currently fails test - because specifying output directory as None - currently not allowed:

        (new-rdkit-env3) [osmart@swannandrh6d pdbeccdutils]$ nosetests /ebi/msd/work2/osmart/ccd_utils/pdbeccdutils/tests/
        usage: nosetests [-h] [--debug] COMPONENTS_CIF OUTPUT_DIR
        nosetests: error: the following arguments are required: COMPONENTS_CIF, OUTPUT_DIR
        ERROR: tests.test_process_components_cif_cli.test_input_file_that_cannot_exist_raises_system_exit
        Traceback (most recent call last):
parent 02964172
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