fix for non similarity sss 3 of 16 checklist items completed!67updated
fix for search on primary ids 3 of 16 checklist items completed!66updated
fix to display primary id 3 of 16 checklist items completed!65updated
display primary id in response 3 of 16 checklist items completed!64updated
fix for similarity in get 1 of 16 checklist items completed!63updated
fix parents and children for ws 2 of 16 checklist items completed!62updated
:bug: Fix #84 0 of 16 checklist items completed!61updated
:recycle: Compounds Origin add species source 0 of 16 checklist items completed!59updated
[carlosm] Add documentation to elasticsearch endpoint 3 of 16 checklist items completed!58updated
:test_tube: Test csrf 0 of 16 checklist items completed!57updated
:closed_lock_with_key: Fix csrf issue 0 of 16 checklist items completed!56updated
[carlosm] Fix all_stars parameters algined in all webservices 4 of 16 checklist items completed!55updated
:adhesive_bandage: Submission R group updates 0 of 16 checklist items completed!54updated
Ontological query fix 4 of 17 checklist items completed!53updated
Ontological query fix 4 of 16 checklist items completed!52updated
:busts_in_silhouette: Add compounds list view 0 of 16 checklist items completed!51updated
Chemical Data Workflow 0 of 16 checklist items completed!50updated
Removing pronto 3 of 16 checklist items completed!49updated
[carlosm] remove pronto dependency for ontology specification in advance search 4 of 16 checklist items completed!48 devupdated