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  <ChemicalProbeReportCard :item-i-d="itemID" />

// import MetadataTagsGenerator from '@chembl/metadata-tags-generator'
import ChemicalProbeReportCard from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/ChemicalProbeReportCard.vue'
// import MetadataLoader from '~/web-components-submodule/metadata/MetadataLoader.js'
// import EntityNames from '~/web-components-submodule/standardisation/EntityNames.js'
// import ObjectPropertyAccess from '~/web-components-submodule/utils/ObjectPropertyAccess.js'
// import StringUtils from '~/web-components-submodule/utils/StringUtils.js'
export default {
  components: {
  // async asyncData({ $axios, error, params }) {
  //   try {
  //     const docSource = [
  //       'molecule_chembl_id',
  //       'pref_name',
  //       'molecule_synonyms',
  //       '_metadata.compound_generated.image_file',
  //     ]
  //     const result = await MetadataLoader.getMetadataForEntity(
  //       EntityNames.EubopenCompound.entityID,
  //       docSource
  //     )
  //     const itemURL = `${}`
  //     const imgBaseURL = ''
  //     const fallbackImgBaseURL = ''
  //     const bioschemasMetadata = await MetadataTagsGenerator.EUbOPEN.CompoundMetadata.getBioschemasMetadata(
  //       {
  //         itemID:,
  //         itemURL,
  //         imgBaseURL,
  //         fallbackImgBaseURL,
  //       }
  //     )
  //     return {
  //       rawMetadata:,
  //       bioschemasJSONLD: bioschemasMetadata,
  //     }
  //   } catch (e) {
  //     error({
  //       statusCode: 404,
  //       message: `No ${EntityNames.EubopenCompound.singularEntityName} found with id ${}`,
  //     })
  //   }
  // },
  // head() {
  //   const name = this.rawMetadata.pref_name || this.itemID
  //   const synonymsList = this.rawMetadata.molecule_synonyms
  //     .filter((synonym) => synonym.syn_type !== 'TRADE_NAME')
  //     .map((synonym) => synonym.molecule_synonym)
  //   const synonymsText =
  //     synonymsList.length === 0 ? '' : `Synonyms: ${synonymsList.join(', ')}`
  //   const descriptionText = StringUtils.truncateString(
  //     `Explore ${name} ${this.rawMetadata.pref_name} in EUbOPEN. ${synonymsText}`,
  //     170
  //   )
  //   const titleText = `${EntityNames.EubopenCompound.singularEntityName} ${name}`
  //   const canonicalURL =
  //     `https://${process.env.canonicalDomain}` + this.$route.path
  //   const chemblID = this.rawMetadata.molecule_chembl_id
  //   const generatedImageFilePath = ObjectPropertyAccess.getPropertyPalue(
  //     this.rawMetadata,
  //     '_metadata.compound_generated.image_file',
  //     undefined,
  //     true
  //   )
  //   if (generatedImageFilePath == null) {
  //     imgURL = `${process.env.chemblWSBaseUrl}/image/${chemblID}.svg`
  //   } else {
  //     imgURL = `${process.env.fallbackIMGsBaseUrl}/compound_placeholders/${this.generatedImageFilePath}`
  //   }
  //   return {
  //     title: titleText,
  //     meta: [
  //       {
  //         hid: 'description',
  //         name: 'description',
  //         content: descriptionText,
  //       },
  //       { hid: 'og:title', name: 'og:title', content: titleText },
  //       {
  //         hid: 'og:description',
  //         name: 'og:description',
  //         content: descriptionText,
  //       },
  //       { hid: 'og:type', name: 'og:type', content: 'object' },
  //       { hid: 'og:url', name: 'og:url', content: canonicalURL },
  //       { hid: 'og:image', name: 'og:image', content: imgURL },
  //     ],
  //     link: [
  //       {
  //         rel: 'canonical',
  //         href: canonicalURL,
  //       },
  //     ],
  //     script: [
  //       {
  //         id: 'JSON_LD',
  //         type: 'application/ld+json',
  //         json: this.bioschemasJSONLD,
  //       },
  //     ],
  //   }
  // },
  computed: {
    itemID() {
      return this.$
