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Merged David Mendez requested to merge staging into master
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<v-col cols="12" md="6">
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="item in properties1">
<v-list-item :key="item.propLabel">
<div class="d-flex justify-space-between">
<b>{{ item.propLabel }}:</b>
{{ item.propValue }}
<v-divider :key="`${item.propLabel}-divider`" />
<v-col cols="12" md="6">
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="item in properties2">
<v-list-item :key="item.propLabel">
<div class="d-flex justify-space-between">
<b>{{ item.propLabel }}:</b>
{{ item.propValue }}
<v-divider :key="`${item.propLabel}-divider`" />
export default {
data() {
return {
properties1: [
propLabel: 'Mol. Weight',
propValue: '494.3',
propLabel: 'MW. Monoisotopic',
propValue: '180.0423',
propLabel: 'ALogP',
propValue: '1.31',
propLabel: '#Rotatable Bonds',
propValue: '2',
propLabel: 'Polar Surface Area',
propValue: '63.60',
propLabel: 'Molecular Species',
propValue: 'ACID',
propLabel: 'HBA',
propValue: '3',
propLabel: 'HDB',
propValue: '1',
propLabel: '#Ro5 Violations',
propValue: '0',
propLabel: 'HBA (Lipinski)',
propValue: '4',
properties2: [
propLabel: 'HBD (Lipinski)',
propValue: '1',
propLabel: '#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski)',
propValue: '0',
propLabel: 'CX Acidic pKa',
propValue: '3.41',
propLabel: 'CX Basic pKa',
propValue: '--',
propLabel: 'CX LogP',
propValue: '1.24',
propLabel: 'CX LogD pH7.4',
propValue: '-2.16',
propLabel: 'Aromatic Rings',
propValue: '1',
propLabel: 'Heavy Atoms',
propValue: '13',
propLabel: 'QED Weighted',
propValue: '0.55',