#### If you have a unique privacy policy and need to customise the text, links
You’ll just need to add a div#data-protection-message-configuration with your parameters and the banner will be built accordingly:
Add the code below and the banner will be built accordingly:
{{> banner-data-protection}}
See further guidance at <ahref="https://www.ebi.ac.uk/style-lab/websites/patterns/banner-data-protection.html">https://www.ebi.ac.uk/style-lab/websites/patterns/banner-data-protection.html</a>
Be sure to `data-service-id` to match the URL stub from [your Data Protection record in the ContentDB](at http://content.ebi.ac.uk/list-data-protection-records).
Advantages for doing this are:
1. Those URLs are by definition unique per privacy notice. Using these prevents two teams accidentally giving the same service-id, and consent getting muddled up.
2. In the future we want this component to automatically pull in the latest version number from the corresponding privacy notice. The API to do that will need the service-id to match between this code and the [EMBL-EBI Data Protection Engine](http://content.ebi.ac.uk/list-data-protection-records).
#### If you use a JS framework (Angular, React, ...) and the banner gets destroyed on page render