- `data-more-information-link`: by default the banner will point to a page at www.elixir-europe.org. If you would prefer to link to a custom page explaining your relationship with ELXIR, add the full URL here
- `data-use-basic-styles`: if you have not loaded the Foundation Framework CSS, set to `true` and will inject a few lines of css for basic formatting
[Try it on CodePen](https://codepen.io/khawkins98/pen/ZXdGQO?editors=1000) or <ahref="https://www.ebi.ac.uk/style-lab/websites/sample-site/boilerplate/affiliates.html"class="extenral"target="_blank">see an example implementation</a>.
[Try it on CodePen](https://codepen.io/khawkins98/pen/ZXdGQO?editors=1000) or <ahref="https://www.ebi.ac.uk/style-lab/websites/sample-site/boilerplate/affiliates.html"class="extenral"target="_blank">see an example implementation</a>.
If you are unable to insert the `div` in the appropriate spot, you can use JavaScript. Shown below with jQuery for brevity: