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    my $g = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils::Graph->new( $hive_pipeline );
    my $graphviz = $g->build();
    This is a module for converting a hive database's flow of analyses, control 
    rules and dataflows into the GraphViz model language. This information can
    then be converted to an image or to the dot language for further manipulation
    in GraphViz.

=head1 LICENSE

    Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
    is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
=head1 CONTACT
  Please subscribe to the Hive mailing list:  to discuss Hive-related questions or to be notified of our updates


    The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
    Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils::Graph;

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use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Analysis;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils qw(destringify throw);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils::Config;
  Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::HivePipeline $pipeline;
              The adaptor to get information from
  Arg [2] : (optional) string $config_file_name;
                  A JSON file name to initialize the Config object with.
                  If one is not given then we don't pass anything into Config's constructor,
                  which results in loading configuration from Config's standard locations.
  Returntype : Graph object
  Exceptions : If the parameters are not as required
  Status     : Beta

sub new {
    my $class       = shift @_;
    my $pipeline    = shift @_;
    my $self = bless({}, ref($class) || $class);
    $self->pipeline( $pipeline );

    my $config = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils::Config->new( @_ );
    $self->context( [ 'Graph' ] );

=head2 graph()

  Arg [1] : The GraphViz instance created by this module
  Returntype : GraphViz
  Exceptions : None
  Status     : Beta


sub graph {
    if(! exists $self->{'_graph'}) {
        my $padding  = $self->config_get('Pad') || 0;
        $self->{'_graph'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils::GraphViz->new( name => 'AnalysisWorkflow', ratio => qq{compress"; pad = "$padding}  ); # injection hack!
    return $self->{'_graph'};
  Arg [1] : The HivePipeline instance
  Returntype : HivePipeline
    my $self = shift @_;

    if(@_) {
        $self->{'_pipeline'} = shift @_;
    return $self->{'_pipeline'};
sub _analysis_node_name {
    my $analysis_node_name = 'analysis_' . $analysis->relative_display_name( $self->pipeline );
    return $analysis_node_name;
    my ($self, $naked_table) = @_;
    my $table_node_name = 'table_' . $naked_table->relative_display_name( $self->pipeline );
    return $table_node_name;
sub _accu_sink_node_name {
    my ($funnel_dfr) = @_;

    return 'sink_'.(UNIVERSAL::isa($funnel_dfr, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DataflowRule') ? _midpoint_name($funnel_dfr) : ($funnel_dfr || ''));

    return UNIVERSAL::isa($df_rule, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DataflowRule') ? _midpoint_name($df_rule) : ($df_rule || '');
sub _midpoint_name {
    if($df_rule and scalar($df_rule)=~/\((\w+)\)/) {     # a unique id of a df_rule assuming dbIDs are not available
        return 'dfr_'.$1.'_mp';
    } else {
        throw("Wrong argument to _midpoint_name");

=head2 build()

  Returntype : The GraphViz object built & populated
  Exceptions : Raised if there are issues with accessing the database
  Description : Builds the graph object and returns it.
  Status     : Beta


sub build {
    foreach my $source_analysis ( @{ $main_pipeline->get_source_analyses } ) {
            # run the recursion in each component that has a non-cyclic start:
        $self->_propagate_allocation( $source_analysis );
    foreach my $cyclic_analysis ( $main_pipeline->collection_of( 'Analysis' )->list ) {
        next if(defined $cyclic_analysis->{'_funnel_dfr'});
        $self->_propagate_allocation( $cyclic_analysis );
    foreach my $source_analysis ( @{ $main_pipeline->get_source_analyses } ) {
            # run the recursion in each component that has a non-cyclic start:
        $self->_add_analysis_node( $source_analysis );
    foreach my $cyclic_analysis ( $main_pipeline->collection_of( 'Analysis' )->list ) {
        next if($self->{'_created_analysis'}{ $cyclic_analysis });
        $self->_add_analysis_node( $cyclic_analysis );
    if($self->config_get('DisplayStretched') ) {    # put each analysis before its' funnel midpoint
        foreach my $analysis ( $main_pipeline->collection_of('Analysis')->list ) {
            if($analysis->{'_funnel_dfr'}) {    # this should only affect analyses that have a funnel
                my $from = $self->_analysis_node_name( $analysis );
                my $to   = _midpoint_name( $analysis->{'_funnel_dfr'} );
                    color     => 'black',
                    style     => 'invis',   # toggle visibility by changing 'invis' to 'dashed'

    if( $self->config_get('DisplayDetails') ) {
        foreach my $pipeline ( $main_pipeline, values %{Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::TheApiary->pipelines_collection} ) {
            my $pipelabel_node_name = $self->_add_pipeline_label( $pipeline );
            push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ $pipeline->hive_pipeline_name } }, $pipelabel_node_name;
    if($self->config_get('DisplaySemaphoreBoxes') ) {
        foreach my $analysis ( $main_pipeline->collection_of('Analysis')->list, values %{ $self->{'_foreign_analyses'} } ) {
            push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ _cluster_name( $analysis->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) } }, $self->_analysis_node_name( $analysis );
            foreach my $group ( @{ $analysis->get_grouped_dataflow_rules } ) {
                my ($df_rule, $fan_dfrs) = @$group;
                my $df_targets  = $df_rule->get_my_targets;
                my $choice      = (scalar(@$df_targets)!=1) || defined($df_targets->[0]->on_condition);

                if(@$fan_dfrs or $choice) {
                    push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ _cluster_name( $df_rule->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) }}, _midpoint_name( $df_rule ); # top-level funnels define clusters (top-level "boxes")
                    foreach my $fan_dfr (@$fan_dfrs) {
                        push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ _cluster_name( $fan_dfr->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) } }, _midpoint_name( $fan_dfr ); # midpoints of rules that have a funnel live inside "boxes"

                foreach my $df_target (@$df_targets) {
                    my $target_object = $df_target->to_analysis;
                    if( UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::NakedTable') ) {        # put the table into the same "box" as the dataflow source:
                        push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ _cluster_name( $target_object->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) } }, $self->_table_node_name( $target_object );

                    } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Accumulator') ) {  # put the accu sink into the same "box" as the dataflow source:

                        push @{$cluster_2_nodes{ _cluster_name( $target_object->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) } }, _accu_sink_node_name( $target_object->{'_funnel_dfr'} );

        $self->graph->cluster_2_nodes( \%cluster_2_nodes );
        $self->graph->main_pipeline_name( $main_pipeline->hive_pipeline_name );
        $self->graph->semaphore_bgcolour(       [$self->config_get('Box', 'Semaphore', 'ColourScheme'),     $self->config_get('Box', 'Semaphore', 'ColourOffset')] );
        $self->graph->main_pipeline_bgcolour(   [$self->config_get('Box', 'MainPipeline', 'ColourScheme'),  $self->config_get('Box', 'MainPipeline', 'ColourOffset')] );
        $self->graph->other_pipeline_bgcolour(  [$self->config_get('Box', 'OtherPipeline', 'ColourScheme'), $self->config_get('Box', 'OtherPipeline', 'ColourOffset')] );
    my ($self, $source_object, $curr_allocation ) = @_;
    $curr_allocation ||= $source_object->hive_pipeline->hive_pipeline_name;
    if(!exists $source_object->{'_funnel_dfr'} ) {     # only allocate on the first-come basis:
        $source_object->{'_funnel_dfr'} = $curr_allocation;
        if(UNIVERSAL::isa($source_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Analysis')) {
            foreach my $group ( @{ $source_object->get_grouped_dataflow_rules } ) {
                $df_rule->{'_funnel_dfr'} = $curr_allocation;

                foreach my $df_target (@{ $df_rule->get_my_targets }) {
                    my $target_object       = $df_target->to_analysis;
                        #   In case we have crossed pipeline borders, let the next call decide its own allocation by resetting it.
                    $self->_propagate_allocation( $target_object, ($source_object->hive_pipeline == $target_object->hive_pipeline) ? $curr_allocation : '' );

                    # all fan members point to the funnel.
                    #   Request midpoint's allocation since we definitely have a funnel to link to.
                foreach my $fan_dfr (@$fan_dfrs) {
                    $fan_dfr->{'_funnel_dfr'} = $curr_allocation;

                    foreach my $df_target (@{ $fan_dfr->get_my_targets }) {
                        my $fan_target_object = $df_target->to_analysis;
                        $self->_propagate_allocation( $fan_target_object, ($source_object->hive_pipeline == $fan_target_object->hive_pipeline) ? $df_rule : '' );
    my $node_fontname       = $self->config_get('Node', 'Details', 'Font');
    my $pipeline_label      = $pipeline->display_name;
    my $pipelabel_node_name = 'pipelabel_'.$pipeline->hive_pipeline_name;

    $self->graph()->add_node( $pipelabel_node_name,
        fontname  => $node_fontname,
        shape     => 'plaintext',
sub _add_analysis_node {
    my $this_analysis_node_name                           = $self->_analysis_node_name( $analysis );

    return $this_analysis_node_name if($self->{'_created_analysis'}{ $analysis }++);   # making sure every Analysis node gets created no more than once

    my $analysis_stats = $analysis->stats();
    my ($breakout_label, $total_job_count, $count_hash)   = $analysis_stats->job_count_breakout();
    my $analysis_status                                   = $analysis_stats->status;
    my $analysis_status_colour                            = $self->config_get('Node', 'AnalysisStatus', $analysis_status, 'Colour');
    my $style                                             = $analysis->can_be_empty() ? 'dashed, filled' : 'filled' ;
    my $node_fontname                                     = $self->config_get('Node', 'AnalysisStatus', $analysis_status, 'Font');
    my $display_stats                                     = $self->config_get('DisplayStats');
    my $hive_pipeline                                     = $self->pipeline;

    my $colspan = 0;
    my $bar_chart = '';

    if( $display_stats eq 'barchart' ) {
        foreach my $count_method (qw(SEMAPHORED READY INPROGRESS DONE FAILED)) {
            if(my $count=$count_hash->{lc($count_method).'_job_count'}) {
                $bar_chart .= '<td bgcolor="'.$self->config_get('Node', 'JobStatus', $count_method, 'Colour').'" width="'.int(100*$count/$total_job_count).'%">'.$$count_method,0,1)).'</td>';
        if($colspan != 1) {
            $bar_chart .= '<td>='.$total_job_count.'</td>';

    $colspan ||= 1;
    my $analysis_label  = '<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.'">'.$analysis->relative_display_name( $hive_pipeline ).' ('.($analysis->dbID || 'unstored').')</td></tr>';
    if( $display_stats ) {
        $analysis_label    .= qq{<tr><td colspan="$colspan"> </td></tr>};
        if( $display_stats eq 'barchart') {
            $analysis_label    .= qq{<tr>$bar_chart</tr>};
        } elsif( $display_stats eq 'text') {
            $analysis_label    .= qq{<tr><td colspan="$colspan">$breakout_label</td></tr>};

    if( my $job_limit = $self->config_get('DisplayJobs') ) {
        if(my $job_adaptor = $analysis->adaptor && $analysis->adaptor->db->get_AnalysisJobAdaptor) {
            my @jobs = sort {$a->dbID <=> $b->dbID} @{ $job_adaptor->fetch_some_by_analysis_id_limit( $analysis->dbID, $job_limit+1 )};
            $analysis->jobs_collection( \@jobs );

        my @jobs = @{ $analysis->jobs_collection };

        my $hit_limit;
        if(scalar(@jobs)>$job_limit) {
            pop @jobs;
            $hit_limit = 1;

        $analysis_label    .= '<tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.'"> </td></tr>';
        foreach my $job (@jobs) {
            my $input_id = $job->input_id;
            my $status   = $job->status;
            my $job_id   = $job->dbID || 'unstored';
            $analysis_label    .= qq{<tr><td colspan="$colspan" bgcolor="}.$self->config_get('Node', 'JobStatus', $status, 'Colour').qq{">$job_id [$status]: $input_id</td></tr>};
            $analysis_label    .= qq{<tr><td colspan="$colspan">[ + }.($total_job_count-$job_limit).qq{ more jobs ]</td></tr>};
    $self->graph->add_node( $this_analysis_node_name,
        label       => $analysis_label,
        shape       => 'record',
        fontname    => $node_fontname,
        style       => $style,
        fillcolor   => $analysis_status_colour,
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    $self->_add_control_rules( $analysis->control_rules_collection );
sub _add_accu_sink_node {
    my ($self, $funnel_dfr) = @_;

    my $accu_sink_node_name = _accu_sink_node_name( $funnel_dfr );

    $self->graph->add_node( $accu_sink_node_name,
#        shape       => 'noverhang',
#        shape       => 'invtriangle',
        shape       => 'invhouse',
        label       => '',
        style       => 'filled',
        fillcolor   => 'darkgreen',

    return $accu_sink_node_name;

sub _add_control_rules {
    my ($self, $ctrl_rules) = @_;

    my $control_colour = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Control', 'Colour');
    my $graph = $self->graph();
        #The control rules are always from and to an analysis so no need to search for odd cases here
    foreach my $c_rule ( @$ctrl_rules ) {
        my $condition_analysis  = $c_rule->condition_analysis;
        my $ctrled_analysis     = $c_rule->ctrled_analysis;
        my $ctrled_is_local     = $ctrled_analysis->is_local_to( $self->pipeline );
        my $condition_is_local  = $condition_analysis->is_local_to( $self->pipeline );
        if($ctrled_is_local and !$condition_is_local) {     # register a new "near neighbour" node if it's reachable by following one rule "out":
            $self->{'_foreign_analyses'}{ $condition_analysis->relative_display_name($self->pipeline) } = $condition_analysis;
        next unless( $ctrled_is_local or $condition_is_local or $self->{'_foreign_analyses'}{ $condition_analysis->relative_display_name($self->pipeline) } );

        my $from_node_name      = $self->_analysis_node_name( $condition_analysis );
        my $to_node_name        = $self->_analysis_node_name( $ctrled_analysis );

        $graph->add_edge( $from_node_name => $to_node_name,
            color => $control_colour,
            arrowhead => 'tee',
sub _last_part_arrow {
    my ($self, $from_analysis, $source_node_name, $label_prefix, $df_target) = @_;

    my $graph               = $self->graph();
    my $dataflow_colour     = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Data', 'Colour');
    my $accu_colour         = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Accu', 'Colour');
    my $df_edge_fontname    = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Data', 'Font');

    my $target_object       = $df_target->to_analysis;
    my $target_node_name    =
            UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Analysis')      ? $self->_add_analysis_node( $target_object )
        :   UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::NakedTable')    ? $self->_add_table_node( $target_object )
        :   UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Accumulator')   ? $self->_add_accu_sink_node( $from_analysis->{'_funnel_dfr'} )
        :   die "Unknown node type";
    if(UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Analysis')) {    # skip some *really* foreign dataflow rules:
        my $from_is_local   = $from_analysis->is_local_to( $self->pipeline );
        my $target_is_local = $target_object->is_local_to( $self->pipeline );

        if($from_is_local and !$target_is_local) {  # register a new "near neighbour" node if it's reachable by following one rule "out":
            $self->{'_foreign_analyses'}{ $target_object->relative_display_name($self->pipeline) } = $target_object;

        return unless( $from_is_local or $target_is_local or $self->{'_foreign_analyses'}{ $target_object->relative_display_name($self->pipeline) } );

    my $input_id_template   = $self->config_get('DisplayInputIDTemplate') ? $df_target->input_id_template : undef;
    my $multistring_template= $input_id_template ? ": {".join(",\n", sort keys( %{destringify($input_id_template)} )).'}' : '';

    $graph->add_edge( $source_node_name => $target_node_name,
        UNIVERSAL::isa($target_object, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Accumulator')
            ? (
                color       => $accu_colour,
                fontcolor   => $accu_colour,
                style       => 'dashed',
                dir         => 'both',
                arrowtail   => 'crow',
                label       => $label_prefix."\n=> ".$target_object->relative_display_name( $self->pipeline ),
            ) : (
                color       => $dataflow_colour,
                fontcolor   => $dataflow_colour,
                label       => $label_prefix."\n".$multistring_template,
        fontname    => $df_edge_fontname,

sub _twopart_arrow {
    my ($self, $df_rule) = @_;

    my $graph               = $self->graph();
    my $df_edge_fontname    = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Data', 'Font');

    my $from_analysis       = $df_rule->from_analysis;
    my $from_node_name      = $self->_analysis_node_name( $from_analysis );
    my $df_targets          = $df_rule->get_my_targets;
    my $choice              = (scalar(@$df_targets)!=1) || defined($df_targets->[0]->on_condition);
        color       => 'black',
        $choice ? (
            shape   => 'diamond',
            label   => scalar(@$df_targets)==1 ? 'Filter' : 'Switch',
        ) : (
            shape       => 'point',
            fixedsize   => 1,
            width       => 0.01,
            height      => 0.01,
    $graph->add_edge( $from_node_name => $midpoint_name, # first half of the two-part arrow
        color       => 'black',
        fontcolor   => 'black',
        label       => '#'.$df_rule->branch_code,
        $choice ? (
            headport    => 'n',
            arrowhead   => 'normal',
        ) : (
            arrowhead   => 'none',
    foreach my $df_target (@$df_targets) {
        my $condition = $df_target->on_condition;
        $self->_last_part_arrow($from_analysis, $midpoint_name, $condition ? "IF $condition" : $choice ? 'ELSE' : '', $df_target);

sub _add_dataflow_rules {
    my $semablock_colour    = $self->config_get('Edge', 'Semablock', 'Colour');
    foreach my $group ( @{ $from_analysis->get_grouped_dataflow_rules } ) {
        if(@$fan_dfrs) {    # semaphored funnel case => all rules have an Analysis target and have two parts:
            my $funnel_midpoint_name = $self->_twopart_arrow( $df_rule );
            foreach my $fan_dfr (@$fan_dfrs) {
                my $fan_midpoint_name = $self->_twopart_arrow( $fan_dfr );
                    # add a semaphore inter-rule blocking arc:
                $graph->add_edge( $fan_midpoint_name => $funnel_midpoint_name,
                    color     => $semablock_colour,
                    style     => 'dashed',
                    dir       => 'both',
                    arrowhead => 'tee',
        } else {
            my $df_targets  = $df_rule->get_my_targets;
            my $choice      = (scalar(@$df_targets)!=1) || defined($df_targets->[0]->on_condition);

            if($choice) {
                $self->_twopart_arrow( $df_rule );
            } else {
                my $from_node_name  = $self->_analysis_node_name( $from_analysis );
                my $df_target       = $df_targets->[0];

                $self->_last_part_arrow($from_analysis, $from_node_name, '#'.$df_rule->branch_code, $df_target);
sub _add_table_node {
    my ($self, $naked_table) = @_;
    my $node_fontname           = $self->config_get('Node', 'Table', 'Font');
    my $hive_pipeline           = $self->pipeline;
    my $this_table_node_name    = $self->_table_node_name( $naked_table );
    my (@column_names, $columns, $table_data, $data_limit, $hit_limit);
    if( $data_limit = $self->config_get('DisplayData') and my $naked_table_adaptor = $naked_table->adaptor ) {
        @column_names = sort keys %{$naked_table_adaptor->column_set};
        $table_data = $naked_table_adaptor->fetch_all( 'LIMIT '.($data_limit+1) );

        if(scalar(@$table_data)>$data_limit) {
            pop @$table_data;
            $hit_limit = 1;
    my $table_label = '<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td colspan="'.($columns||1).'">'. $naked_table->relative_display_name( $hive_pipeline ) .'</td></tr>';
    if( $self->config_get('DisplayData') and $columns) {
        $table_label .= '<tr><td colspan="'.$columns.'"> </td></tr>';
        $table_label .= '<tr>'.join('', map { qq{<td bgcolor="lightblue" border="1">$_</td>} } @column_names).'</tr>';
        foreach my $row (@$table_data) {
            $table_label .= '<tr>'.join('', map { qq{<td>$_</td>} } @{$row}{@column_names}).'</tr>';
        if($hit_limit) {
            $table_label  .= qq{<tr><td colspan="$columns">[ more data ]</td></tr>};
    $self->graph()->add_node( $this_table_node_name,
        label       => $table_label,
        shape       => 'record',
        fontname    => $node_fontname,
        style       => 'filled',
        fillcolor   => 'white',