new lsf_beekeeper to correspond to new distributed Queen system.
no longer does Queen::synchronize_hive as part of autonomous loop -sync option allows user to manually trigger a hard sync. also removed default display of full hive status and addded option -status which will print this full status. Also removed adjusting needed worker count for 'pending' workers. lsf will sometimes leave jobs in pending state for no apparent reason (new bsubed job will run yet older pending job stays pending). Current 'pending' count also didn't differentiate between lsf_beekeeper submited jobs and manually submitted jobs. This pend adjustment isn't a critcal subsystem so I've removed it for now. If a runWorker starts (after a long pend) and there is no work left it will die immeadiately. I may rewrite a smarter 'pending' adjustment in the future.
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