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Commit dda0891c authored by Leo Gordon's avatar Leo Gordon
Browse files should now be used

parent 6efd59d5
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# A generic loader of hive pipelines
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument; # import 'rearrange()'
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils 'stringify'; # import 'stringify()'
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Extensions;
sub dbconn_2_url {
my $db_conn = shift @_;
return "mysql://$db_conn->{-user}:$db_conn->{-pass}\@$db_conn->{-host}:$db_conn->{-port}/$db_conn->{-dbname}";
sub dbconn_2_mysql { # used by pipeline configuration files themselves
my ($db_conn, $with_db) = @_;
return "--host=$db_conn->{-host} --port=$db_conn->{-port} "
."--user=$db_conn->{-user} --pass=$db_conn->{-pass} "
.($with_db ? "--database=$db_conn->{-dbname} " : '');
sub main {
my $topup_flag = 0; # do not run initial scripts and only add new analyses+jobs (ignore the fetchable analyses)
my $config_file = '';
'topup=i' => \$topup_flag,
'conf=s' => \$config_file,
unless($config_file and (-f $config_file)) {
warn "Please supply a valid pipeline configuration file using '-conf' option\n";
warn "Usage example:\n\t$0 -conf ../docs/long_mult_pipeline.conf\n";
my $self = bless ( do $config_file );
if(!$topup_flag && $self->{-pipeline_create_commands}) {
foreach my $cmd (@{$self->{-pipeline_create_commands}}) {
warn "Running the command:\n\t$cmd\n";
if(my $retval = system($cmd)) {
die "Return value = $retval, possibly an error\n";
} else {
warn "Done.\n\n";
my $hive_dba = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%{$self->{-pipeline_db}});
if($self->{-pipeline_wide_parameters}) {
my $meta_container = $hive_dba->get_MetaContainer;
warn "Loading pipeline-wide parameters ...\n";
while( my($meta_key, $meta_value) = each %{$self->{-pipeline_wide_parameters}} ) {
if($topup_flag) {
$meta_container->store_key_value($meta_key, stringify($meta_value));
warn "Done.\n\n";
# pre-load the resource_description table
if($self->{-resource_classes}) {
my $resource_description_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_ResourceDescriptionAdaptor;
warn "Loading the ResourceDescriptions ...\n";
while( my($rc_id, $mt2param) = each %{$self->{-resource_classes}} ) {
my $description = delete $mt2param->{-desc};
while( my($meadow_type, $xparams) = each %$mt2param ) {
-RC_ID => $rc_id,
-MEADOW_TYPE => $meadow_type,
-PARAMETERS => $xparams,
-DESCRIPTION => $description,
warn "Done.\n\n";
my $analysis_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisAdaptor;
foreach my $aha (@{$self->{-pipeline_analyses}}) {
my ($logic_name, $module, $parameters_hash, $input_ids, $blocked, $batch_size, $hive_capacity, $rc_id) =
rearrange([qw(logic_name module parameters input_ids blocked batch_size hive_capacity rc_id)], %$aha);
if($topup_flag and $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name)) {
warn "Skipping already existing analysis '$logic_name'\n";
warn "Creating '$logic_name'...\n";
my $analysis = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new (
-db => '',
-db_file => '',
-db_version => '1',
-logic_name => $logic_name,
-module => $module,
-parameters => stringify($parameters_hash), # have to stringify it here, because Analysis code is external wrt Hive code
my $stats = $analysis->stats();
$stats->batch_size( $batch_size ) if(defined($batch_size));
# ToDo: hive_capacity for some analyses is set to '-1' (i.e. "not limited")
# Do we want this behaviour BY DEFAULT?
$stats->hive_capacity( $hive_capacity ) if(defined($hive_capacity));
$stats->rc_id( $rc_id ) if(defined($rc_id));
# some analyses will be waiting for human intervention in blocked state:
$stats->status($blocked ? 'BLOCKED' : 'READY');
# now create the corresponding jobs (if there are any):
foreach my $input_id_hash (@$input_ids) {
-input_id => $input_id_hash, # input_ids are now centrally stringified in the AnalysisJobAdaptor
-analysis => $analysis,
-input_job_id => 0, # because these jobs are created by the initialization script, not by another job
# Now, run separately through the already created analyses and link them together:
my $ctrl_rule_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisCtrlRuleAdaptor;
my $dataflow_rule_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_DataflowRuleAdaptor;
foreach my $aha (@{$self->{-pipeline_analyses}}) {
my ($logic_name, $wait_for, $flow_into) =
rearrange([qw(logic_name wait_for flow_into)], %$aha);
my $analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
$wait_for ||= [];
$wait_for = [ $wait_for ] unless(ref($wait_for) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
# create control rules:
foreach my $condition_logic_name (@$wait_for) {
if(my $condition_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($condition_logic_name)) {
$ctrl_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $condition_analysis, $analysis);
warn "Created Control rule: $condition_logic_name -| $logic_name\n";
} else {
die "Could not fetch analysis '$condition_logic_name' to create a control rule";
$flow_into ||= {};
$flow_into = { 1 => $flow_into } unless(ref($flow_into) eq 'HASH'); # force non-hash into a hash
foreach my $branch_code (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$flow_into) {
my $heir_logic_names = $flow_into->{$branch_code};
$heir_logic_names = [ $heir_logic_names ] unless(ref($heir_logic_names) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
foreach my $heir_logic_name (@$heir_logic_names) {
if(my $heir_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($heir_logic_name)) {
$dataflow_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $analysis, $heir_analysis, $branch_code);
warn "Created DataFlow rule: [$branch_code] $logic_name -> $heir_logic_name\n";
} else {
die "Could not fetch analysis '$heir_logic_name' to create a dataflow rule";
my $url = dbconn_2_url($self->{-pipeline_db});
print "\n\n\tPlease run the following commands:\n\n";
print " -url $url -sync\n";
print " -url $url -loop\n";
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