Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 109-version-bump
- 109_code_branch
- 109_version_bump
- 112_changelog
- 113_changelog
- 113_changelog_main
- 114_bump_113changelog_version
- Feature/RemoveStats default protected
- RemoveStats
- V105/test_db_patches
- additional_changes_for_110
- bau/copyright-2024
- bau/copyright-2024-110
- bau/copyright-2024-release112
- bau/copyright-2025
- bugfix/ignore-undefined-release
- bugfix/perl-docs-fix
- copyright-upd-2023
- copyright/2023
- dev/lookup-transcript-length
- Tags 20
- version/attic/1.5.1
- version/attic/1.5.0
- version/attic/1.4.2
- version/attic/1.4.3
- version/attic/1.4.4
- version/attic/1.4.1
- version/attic/1.4.0
- cvs/release/ensembl/71
- cvs/attic/rest-1_3_2
- cvs/attic/rest-1_3_1
- cvs/attic/rest-1_3_0
- cvs/attic/branch-ensembl-71-ignorebranch
- cvs/attic/ensembl-contextrearrange
- cvs/attic/merge_ensembl-contextrearrange
- cvs/attic/sab-2013
- cvs/attic/rest-1_2_0
- cvs/release/ensembl/70
- cvs/release/ensemblgenomes/17-70
- cvs/release/ensembl/69
- cvs/attic/rest-1_1_2
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.