@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Ensembl REST has 3 versions available. Knowing which one is relevant to you is i
This is the first and most important version. It flags what version of the REST API you are communicating with. REST version numbers are composed of 3 parts: `major.minor.point`. Increments in all three are described below
- major - Indicates significant alteration to the API which could result in your code no longer working
- minor - Indicates some alternation in the API but not sufficient to break code & most likely the introduction of new data or endpoints
- minor - Indicates some alteration in the API but not sufficient to break code & most likely the introduction of new data or endpoints
- point - No change to the public interface. Normally reserved for bugfixes
It is a good idea to inspect this value when running your pipelines to ensure you are working with the expected version of REST.