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# Calculate the GC content for top level seq_regions
#   small regions 500bp to be able to display on contigview
#   big regions genomesize / 4000 for 4000 features on the genome

use strict;

#use dbi;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DensityFeatureAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DensityTypeAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature;
use Getopt::Long;

my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbname  );

GetOptions( "host=s", \$host,
	    "user=s", \$user,
	    "pass=s", \$pass,
	    "port=i", \$port,
	    "dbname=s", \$dbname

my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-host => $host,
					    -user => $user,
					    -port => $port,
					    -pass => $pass,
					    -dbname => $dbname);

my $bin_count = 150;
my $long_slice_count = 100;

# Check wether the script should run on given database
my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare( "select count(*) from dna" );
my ( $dna_count )  = $sth->fetchrow_array();
if( ! $dna_count ) {
  print STDERR "No dna, no gc content for $dbname.\n";

# Get the adaptors needed;

my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
my $dfa = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
my $dta = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
my $aa  = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();

my $slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( "toplevel" );
my @sorted_slices =  sort { $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length()} @$slices;

# Create new analysis object for density calculation.

my $analysis = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis (-program     => "",
					   -database    => "ensembl",
					   -gff_source  => "",
					   -gff_feature => "density",
					   -logic_name  => "PercentGC");
my $density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new
  (-analysis   => $analysis,
   -region_features => $bin_count,
   -value_type => 'ratio');
my ( $current_start, $current_end, $current );
my $slice_count = 0;
my $block_size;
foreach my $slice (@sorted_slices){
  $block_size = $slice->length() / $bin_count;
  print "GC percentage for ".$slice->seq_region_name().
    " with block size $block_size\n";
  while ($current_end < $slice->end()) {
    $current += $block_size;
    $current_start = $current_end+1;
    $current_end = int( $current + 1 );
    if ( $current_end < $current_start ) { 
      $current_end = $current_start;
    if ( $current_end > $slice->end() ) {
      $current_end = $slice->end();

    my $sub_slice = $slice->sub_Slice( $current_start , $current_end );

    my $gc = $sub_slice->get_base_count()->{'%gc'};
    my $df =  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
      (-seq_region    => $slice,
       -start         => $current_start,
       -end           => $current_end,
       -density_type  => $density_type,
       -density_value => $gc);


  last if( $slice_count++ > $long_slice_count );
# helper to draw an ascii representation of the density features
sub print_features {
  my $features = shift;

  return if(!@$features);

  my $sum = 0;
  my $length = 0;
#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();

  my $max=0;
  foreach my $f (@$features) {
    if($f->density_value() > $max){
  foreach my $f (@$features) {
    my $i=1;
    for(; $i< ($f->density_value()/$max)*40; $i++){
      print "*";
    for(my $j=$i;$j<40;$j++){
      print " ";
    print "  ".$f->density_value()."\t".$f->start()."\n";
#  my $avg = undef;
#  $avg = $sum/$length if($length < 0);
#  print("Sum=$sum, Length=$length, Avg/Base=$sum");