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archiveStableId.t 2.68 KiB
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use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);

BEGIN { $| = 1;  
	use Test;
	plan tests => 9;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::TestUtils;

our $verbose = 0;

# 1 ArchiveStableId adaptor compiles

my $multi = Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB->new;
my $db    = $multi->get_DBAdaptor('core');

my $asia = $db->get_ArchiveStableIdAdaptor();

my $asi = $asia->fetch_by_stable_id( "G1" );

_print_asi( $asi );

# 2 retrieval of an archiveStableId
ok( $asi );

my $pre_asis = $asi->get_all_predecessors();

for my $asi ( @$pre_asis ) {
  debug( "\tPre G1" );
  _print_asi( $asi );

# 3 how many predecessors does it have
ok( scalar( @$pre_asis ) == 2 );

my $transcripts = $pre_asis->[0]->get_all_transcript_archive_ids();

for my $asi ( @$transcripts ) {
  debug( "\tTranscripts G1" );
  _print_asi( $asi );
  #get_translation_archive_id was changed to give back listref.
  #this makes the function poorly named, but it is what the
  #webteam uses so....
  my $tl = $asi->get_all_translation_archive_ids();
  foreach my $asi2 (@$tl) {
    _print_asi( $asi2 );

# 4 transcripts for a gene
ok( scalar( @$transcripts ) == 1);

$pre_asis = $pre_asis->[0]->get_all_predecessors();
debug( "\tPredecessors: ".scalar( @$pre_asis ) );

# 5 no predecessor case
ok( scalar( @$pre_asis ) == 0 );

$asi = $asia->fetch_by_stable_id_dbname( "G4", "release_1" );
my $succ_asis = $asi->get_all_successors();
for my $asi ( @$succ_asis ) {
  debug( "\tSucc G4.1" );
  _print_asi( $asi );

# 6 successor case
ok( scalar( @$succ_asis ) == 1 );

$succ_asis = $succ_asis->[0]->get_all_successors();

for my $asi ( @$succ_asis ) {
  debug( "\tSucc Succ G4.1" );
  _print_asi( $asi );

# 7 no successor case

ok( scalar( @$succ_asis ) == 0 );

# 8 fetch_successor_history

$asi = $asia->fetch_by_stable_id_dbname( "G2", "release_1" );
my $asis = $asia->fetch_successor_history( $asi );
debug( "\tCurrently related from G2.release_1" );
for my $asi ( @$asis ) {
 _print_asi( $asi );

ok(( $asis->[-1]->db_name eq "release_4" ) &&
   ( scalar @$asis == 5 ));
# 9 reject unknown stable ids

ok( ! defined $asia->fetch_by_stable_id_dbname( "FooBar", "release_unknown" ));

sub _print_asi {
  my $asi = shift;

  debug( "\ttype: ".$asi->type().
         "\n\tstable id: ".$asi->stable_id().
	 "\n\tversion: ".$asi->version().
	 "\n\tdbname: ".$asi->db_name().
	 "\n\tTranscripts: ".(join(", ", map { $_->stable_id } @{ $asi->get_all_transcript_archive_ids })).
	 "\n\tTranslations: ".(join(", ", map { $_->stable_id } @{ $asi->get_all_translation_archive_ids })).
	 "\n\tPeptide: ".$asi->get_peptide."\n" );