#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Designed to work on BED data such as that available from UCSC or 1KG:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::SimpleFeature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SimpleFeatureAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/iterate_file/;
my ($file,$db_name,$db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_port,$help,$species,$group);
my ($dna_db_name,$dna_db_host,$dna_db_user,$dna_db_pass,$dna_db_port, $dna_group);
my $write_every = -1;
"db_name|dbname|database=s" => \$db_name,
"db_host|dbhost|host=s" => \$db_host,
"db_user|dbuser|user|username=s" => \$db_user,
"db_pass|dbpass|pass|password=s" => \$db_pass,
"db_port|dbport|port=s" => \$db_port,
"dna_db_name|dna_dbname|dna_database=s" => \$dna_db_name,
"dna_db_host|dna_dbhost|dna_host=s" => \$dna_db_host,
"dna_db_user|dna_dbuser|dna_user|dna_username=s" => \$dna_db_user,
"dna_db_pass|dna_dbpass|dna_pass|dna_password=s" => \$dna_db_pass,
"dna_db_port|dna_dbport|dna_port=s" => \$dna_db_port,
"dna_group=s" => \$dna_group,
"species=s" => \$species,
'group=s' => \$group,
'logic_name=s' => \$logic_name,
'description=s' => \$description,
'display_label=s' => \$display_label,
'write_every=i' => \$write_every,
"h!" => \$help,
"help!" => \$help,
if ($help) {&usage; exit 0;}
unless ($file and $db_name and $db_host) {print "Insufficient arguments\n"; &usage; exit 1;}
unless ($logic_name) { print "No logic name given\n"; usage(); exit 1; }
sub get_adaptor {
my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
-group => $group,
-dbname => $db_name,
-host => $db_host,
-user => $db_user,
-port => $db_port
$dba->dbc->password($db_pass) if $db_pass;
if($dna_db_name) {
$dna_group ||= 'core';
$dna_db_host ||= $db_host;
$dna_db_port ||= $db_port;
$dna_db_user ||= $db_user;
my $dna_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
-species => $species,
-group => $dna_group,
-dbname => $dna_db_name,
-host => $dna_db_host,
-user => $dna_db_user,
-port => $dna_db_port
$dna_dba->dbc->password($dna_db_pass) if $dna_db_pass;
return $dba;
if(! -f $file) {
die "No file found at $file";
my $commit_count = 0;
if($count != 0 && $count % 2000 == 0) {
if($commit_count == $write_every) {
@features = ();
sub _store {
my $count = scalar(@{$features});
if($count > 0) {
my ($chr, $start, $end, $label, $score, $strand) = split(/\t/, $line);
$start++; # UCSC is 0 idx start
$score ||= 0;
$strand ||= 1;
my $sf = Bio::EnsEMBL::SimpleFeature->new(
-start => $start,
-end => $end,
-score => $score,
-analysis => $analysis,
-slice => $slice,
-strand => $strand,
-display_label => $label,
return $sf;
my %slices;
sub get_Slice {
my $name = $original;
$name =~ s/^chr//;
return $slices{$name} if exists $slices{name};
my $slice = $dba->get_SliceAdaptor()->fetch_by_region('toplevel', $name);
if(!$slice) {
die "Could not get a Slice from the Ensembl database for the given region '$original' or '$name' and coorindate system 'toplevel'. Check your core database";
$slices{$name} = $slice;
return $slice;
sub get_Analysis {
my $aa = $dba->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
my $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
if(!$analysis) {
$analysis = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new(
-displayable => 1,
-logic_name => $logic_name,
$analysis->description($description) if $description;
$analysis->display_label($display_label) if $display_label;
return $analysis;
sub info {
my ($msg, @args) = @_;
my $m = sprintf $msg, @args;
my $time = strftime('%c',localtime());
printf STDERR '[%s] %s', $time, $m;
sub usage {
print "Launching instructions:
Run from a folder you are happy to have filled with files.
Import data from a BED file into the simple_feature table. Only supports
6 column BED files (location, name and score).
perl -file [PATH} -db_name NAME
-file Supply the file path
-logic_name Analysis logic name import data against
-dna_db_name The DNA DB to use if DB does not contain coordinate systems and DNA
-dna_db_host Hostname for the DNA DB. Defaults to -host
-dna_db_user Username for the DNA DB. Defaults to -user
-dna_db_pass Password for the DNA DB. Defaults to -pass
-dna_db_port Port for the DNA DB. Defaults to -port
-species Name of the species; defaults to human
-group Name of the DB group; defaults to core
-description Analysis description; only needed if analysis is not already in the DB
-display_label Analysis display label for the website; only needed if analysis is not already in the DB
-write_every Write features once every N lines. Defaults to -1 (write once all records are parsed)