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# EnsEMBL module for Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception

=head1 NAME

Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument - Utility functions for argument handling


    use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange)

    package Feature;

    sub new {
      my $class = shift;
      my ($start, $end, $strand) = rearrange(['START', 'END', 'STRAND'],@_);
      return bless({'start'=>$start, 'end'=>$end, 'strand'=>$strand}, $class);


This is derived from the Bio::Root module in BioPerl.  The _rearrange
object method taken from BioPerl has been renamed rearrange and is now a 
static class method.  This method was originally written by Lincoln Stein, 
and has since been refactored several times by various people (as described 

It is recommended that this package be used instead of inheriting 
unnecessarily from the Bio::EnsEMBL::Root or Bio::Root object.

=head1 CONTACT

Post questions to the EnsEMBL development list:


The rest of the documentation details exported static class methods. 


use strict;
use warnings;

package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument;

use Exporter;

use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);

=head2 rearrange

 Usage     : rearrange( array_ref, list_of_arguments)
 Purpose   : Rearranges named parameters to requested order.
 Example   : use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange);
           : rearrange([qw(SEQUENCE ID DESC)],@param);
           : Where @param = (-sequence => $s, 
	         :                 -id       => $i, 
	         :	               -desc     => $d);
 Returns   : @params - an array of parameters in the requested order.
           : The above example would return ($s, $i, $d)
 Argument  : $order : a reference to an array which describes the desired
           :          order of the named parameters.
           : @param : an array of parameters, either as a list (in
           :          which case the function simply returns the list),
           :          or as an associative array with hyphenated tags
           :          (in which case the function sorts the values 
           :          according to @{$order} and returns that new array.)
	   :	      The tags can be upper, lower, or mixed case
           :          but they must start with a hyphen (at least the
           :          first one should be hyphenated.)
 Source    : This function was taken from, written by Dr. Lincoln
           : Stein, and adapted for use in Bio::Seq by Richard Resnick and
           : then adapted for use in by Steve A. Chervitz.
           : This has since been adapted as an exported static method in this 
             class Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument 
 Comments  : (SAC)
           : This method may not be appropriate for method calls that are
           : within in an inner loop if efficiency is a concern.
           : Parameters can be specified using any of these formats:
           :  @param = (-name=>'me', -color=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-Name=>'me', -Color=>'blue');
           : A leading hyphenated argument is used by this function to 
           : indicate that named parameters are being used.
           : Therefore, a ('me', 'blue') list will be returned as-is.
           : Note that Perl will confuse unquoted, hyphenated tags as 
           : function calls if there is a function of the same name 
           : in the current namespace:
           :    -name => 'foo' is interpreted as -&name => 'foo'
           : For ultimate safety, put single quotes around the tag:
	         :    ('-name'=>'me', '-color' =>'blue');
           : This can be a bit cumbersome and I find not as readable
           : as using all uppercase, which is also fairly safe:
           :    (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR =>'blue');
           : Personal note (SAC): I have found all uppercase tags to
           : be more managable: it involves less single-quoting,
           : the code is more readable, and there are no method naming 
           : conlicts.
           : Regardless of the style, it greatly helps to line
	         : the parameters up vertically for long/complex lists.


sub rearrange {
  $order = shift if($order eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument"); #skip object if one provided

  # If we've got parameters, we need to check to see whether
  # they are named or simply listed. If they are listed, we
  # can just return them.
  return @_ unless (@_ && $_[0] && substr($_[0], 0,1) eq '-');
  # Convert all of the parameter names to uppercase, and create a
  # hash with parameter names as keys, and parameter values as values
  my $i = 0;
  my (%param) = map {if($i) { $i--; $_; } else { $i++; uc($_); }} @_;

  # What we intend to do is loop through the @{$order} variable,
  # and for each value, we use that as a key into our associative
  # array, pushing the value at that key onto our return array.