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# Copyright [1999-2013] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

use Test::MockObject::Extends;
use Time::HiRes qw/usleep/;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::TestUtils;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ProxyDBConnection;
my $multi = Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB->new;
my $db    = $multi->get_DBAdaptor('core');

# 2 new
my $dbc;
  my $db_name = $db->dbc->dbname;
  my $port    = $db->dbc->port;
  my $user    = $db->dbc->username;
  my $pass    = $db->dbc->password;
  my $host    = $db->dbc->host;
  my $driver  = $db->dbc->driver;
  %dbc_args = (
    -DBNAME => $db_name,
    -USER   => $user,
    -PASS   => $pass,
    -PORT   => $port,
    -HOST   => $host,
    -DRIVER => $driver
  $dbc = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection->new(%dbc_args);


# 3 driver
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'driver'  , 'oracle'));

ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'port'    , 6666));

# 5 dbname
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'dbname'  , 'ensembl_db_name'));

# 6 username
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'username', 'ensembl_user'));
is($dbc->user(), $dbc->username(), 'Checking user() returns same as username()');
# 7 password
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'password', 'ensembl_password'));
is($dbc->pass(), $dbc->password(), 'Checking pass() returns same as password()');
# 10 dbhandle
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'db_handle', $dbc->db_handle));
# dbname
ok(test_getter_setter($dbc, 'host', $dbc->host));
is($dbc->hostname(), $dbc->host(), 'Checking hostname() returns same as host()');

# Check the to_hash() works
is_deeply($dbc->to_hash(), \%dbc_args, 'Checking to_hash() can roundtrip a DBConnection');
  # 11 prepare
  my $sth = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * from gene limit 1');
# try the database with the disconnect_when_inactive flag set.
# this should automatically disconnect from the db
my $dbh = $dbc->db_handle();

  # reconnect should happen now
  my $sth2 = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * from gene limit 1');

  # disconnect should occur now

$dbh = $dbc->db_handle();
# try the same thing but with 2 connections at a time
  my $sth1 = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * from gene limit 1');

    my $sth2 = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * from gene limit 1');

  my @gene = $sth1->fetchrow_array();


  my $sth1 = $dbc->prepare('SELECT * from gene limit 1');
#should not have disconnected this time
# construct a second database handle using a first one:
my $dbc2 = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection->new(-DBCONN => $dbc);
#equality checks
ok(! $dbc->equals());
ok($dbc2->dbname eq $dbc->dbname());
ok($dbc2->host   eq $dbc->host());
ok($dbc2->username()   eq $dbc->username());
ok($dbc2->password eq $dbc->password());
ok($dbc2->port  == $dbc->port());
ok($dbc2->driver eq $dbc->driver());
ok(! $dbc->equals(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection->new(-DRIVER => 'sqlite', -DBNAME => 'bill')));

#Test spanning db_handle() methods
my $db_handle_ref;
is($dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(), 1, 'Ensuring disconnect_when_inactive() is on');
$dbc->prevent_disconnect(sub {
  is($dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(), 0, 'Ensuring disconnect_when_inactive() has been turned off');
  my $sql = 'select 1';
  $db_handle_ref = $dbc->db_handle();
  is($dbc->do($sql), 1, 'Asserting do returns 1');
  is($dbc->db_handle(), $db_handle_ref, 'Checking DBH is the same as it was at the beginning');
  is($dbc->do($sql), 1, 'Asserting do returns 1');
  is($dbc->db_handle(), $db_handle_ref, 'Checking DBH is the same as it was at the beginning');
  my $sth1 = $dbc->prepare($sql);
  my $expected = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref()->[0]->[0];
  is($expected, 1, 'Asserting prepare returns 1');
  is($dbc->db_handle(), $db_handle_ref, 'Checking DBH is the same as it was at the beginning');
is($dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(), 1, 'Ensuring disconnect_when_inactive() is on');
isnt($dbc->db_handle(), $db_handle_ref, 'Checking if a new DBH has been handed out');

#Testing quote identifiers
my $quote_result = $dbc->quote_identifier(qw/a b c/, [undef, qw/db table/], [1]);
is_deeply($quote_result, [qw/`a` `b` `c`/, '`db`.`table`', '`1`'], 'Checking quote identifier will quote everything') or diag explain $quote_result;

#Testing reconnection via proxy
#my $dbc_copy = bless({%{$db->dbc()}}, ref($db->dbc()));
#$dbc_copy = Test::MockObject::Extends->new($dbc_copy);
my $dbc_copy = mock_object($dbc);
  my $pdbc = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ProxyDBConnection->new(-DBC => $dbc_copy, -DBNAME => $dbc->dbname(), -RECONNECT_INTERVAL => 0);
  is($pdbc->sql_helper()->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select 1'), 1, 'Checking we get a 1 back from the DB');
  usleep(1000); #sleep 1ms
  is($pdbc->sql_helper()->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select 1'), 1, 'Checking we get a 1 back from the DB');
  $dbc_copy->__is_called('reconnect', 0, "No need to reconnect as we have no interval set");
  #Disconnect, set the interval to 1ms and sleep for 10ms. Skips reconnection as the connection is not active
  $dbc_copy->__is_called('connected', 1, "connected() was called since we had to check if the DBConnection was active");
  $dbc_copy->__is_called('reconnect', 0, "No need to reconnect as we have no interval set");
  #Connect, set the interval to 1ms and sleep for 10ms. Reconnect
  $dbc_copy->__is_called('connected', 1, "connected() was called since we had to check if the DBConnection was active");
  $dbc_copy->__is_called('reconnect', 1, "reconnect() as we had gone beyond our normal timeout interval");

# Test error reporting when we connect using a bogus driver
  throws_ok {
    my $dbc = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection->new(
      -HOST => '', -PORT => 3306, -USER => 'usr', -DRIVER => 'bogusdriver'
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
      #swallow the warning. we get it raised via an error anyway
  } qr/install_driver.+failed/, 'Checking for an error message from DBI detailing missing driver problems';
  if($db->dbc->driver() eq 'mysql') {
    throws_ok {
      my $dbc = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection->new(
        -HOST => $db->dbc->host, -PORT => $db->dbc->port, -USER => 'arandomuser', -PASS => 'sobogusthisis', -DRIVER => 'mysql'
      local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
        #swallow the warning. we get it raised via an error anyway
    } qr/Access denied for user/, 'Checking we raise an error about a bogus connection details';