Ian Longden authored
Remove getting source_id or species_id from filename if they are not set. As these have to be set or it dies before that bit is reached.
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MGI_Desc_Parser.pm 2.26 KiB
package XrefParser::MGI_Desc_Parser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use base qw( XrefParser::BaseParser );
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
sub run {
my ($self, $ref_arg) = @_;
my $source_id = $ref_arg->{source_id};
my $species_id = $ref_arg->{species_id};
my $files = $ref_arg->{files};
my $verbose = $ref_arg->{verbose};
if((!defined $source_id) or (!defined $species_id) or (!defined $files) ){
croak "Need to pass source_id, species_id and files as pairs";
$verbose |=0;
my $file = @{$files}[0];
my $syn_file = @{$files}[1];
my $mgi_io = $self->get_filehandle($file);
if ( !defined $mgi_io ) {
print STDERR "ERROR: Could not open $file\n";
return 1; # 1 is an error
my $xref_count =0;
my %acc_to_xref;
#MGI Marker associations to Sequence (GenBank or RefSeq) information (tab-delimited)
#MGI Marker Accession ID Marker Symbol Status Marker Type Marker Name cM Position Chromosome GenBank Accession IDs
#(space-delimited) Unigene ID
#(if any) RefSeq ID
#(if any)
while ( $_ = $mgi_io->getline() ) {
if($_ =~ /^ MGI:/){
my ($junk, $acc, $chr, $pos, $label, $status, @part_desc) = split(/\s+/,$_);
my $type = pop @part_desc; # last array element is the type.
my $desc= join(" ",@part_desc);
$acc_to_xref{$acc} = $self->add_xref($acc,"",$label,$desc,$source_id,$species_id,"MISC");
if($verbose and $desc eq ""){
print "$acc has no description\n";
print $xref_count." MGI Description Xrefs added\n" if($verbose);
# Now process the synonyms
my $mgi_syn_io = $self->get_filehandle($syn_file);
if ( !defined $mgi_syn_io ) {
print STDERR "ERROR: Could not open $file\n";
return 1; # 1 is an error