Andy Yates authored
[ENSCORESW-720] and [ENSCORESW-721]. Allowing default HashRef in execute() and sleep for less than a second. First issue raised by Lee from EG. He wanted to be able to work with hash refs in the same way you can do with ArrayRefs. Done and dusted. Second issue raised by me. Want to sleep for periods less than 1 second for the test suite sanity.
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sqlHelper.t 11.58 KiB
#A set tests used to prod the SqlHelper class
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util qw(isweak);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::TestUtils;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper;
#Redefine the WARN sig to note the errors (most are just from transaction retry)
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
note @_;
return 1;
my $multi = Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB->new();
my $dba = $multi->get_DBAdaptor( 'core' );
ok( $dba, 'Test database instatiated' );
#Now start testing the Helper
dies_ok { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper->new() } 'Expect to die when no DBConnection was given';
dies_ok { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper->new(-DB_CONNECTION => $dba) }
'Expect to die when we do not give SqlHelper a DBConncetion'; #was given a DBAdaptor
ok (
isweak(Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper->new(-DB_CONNECTION => $dba->dbc())->{db_connection}),
'Checking DBConnection reference is weak when we ask for it'
my $helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper->new(-DB_CONNECTION => $dba->dbc());
ok ( $helper, 'SqlHelper instance was created' );
my $meta_key = 'species.common_name';
note("Meta key queries working with ${meta_key}. If the tests fail then check for it in the DB dumps");
$helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => qq{select count(*) from meta where meta_key = '$meta_key'}),
'Checking count of meta key is right with no params'
$helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$meta_key]),
'Checking count of meta key is right with params'
throws_ok { $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select * from meta') } qr/Too many results/, 'More than 1 row causes an error';
throws_ok { $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select * from meta where species_id =?', -PARAMS => [-1]) } qr/No results/, 'Less than 1 row causes an error';
$helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select meta_id from meta order by meta_id', -NO_ERROR => 1),
'Checking if we have more than row we will not error if we ask to ignore it'
$helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select meta_id from meta where species_id =?', -PARAMS => [-1], -NO_ERROR => 1),
'Checking if we less than row we will not error if we ask to ignore it'
$helper->execute(-SQL => 'select count(*), 3 from meta where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$meta_key])->[0],
'Checking 2D mapping of meta key count works'
my $meta_count_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-SQL => 'select meta_key, count(*) from meta group by meta_key'
is($meta_count_hash->{$meta_key}, 1, 'Checking hash comes back correctly');
my $count = 0;
my %args = (
-SQL => 'select meta_key, meta_value from meta where meta_key =? order by meta_id',
-PARAMS => ['species.classification']
my $expected_hash = {
'species.classification' => [
'Homo sapiens', qw(Hominidae Catarrhini Primates Eutheria Mammalia Vertebrata Chordata Metazoa Eukaryota)
#Checking explicit returning of the hash
my $explicit_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-CALLBACK => sub {
my ($row, $value) = @_;
if(!$count) {
ok(! defined $value, 'Checking value is undefined for the first call');
$value = [] if ! defined $value ;
push(@{$value}, $row->[1]);
return $value;
is_deeply($explicit_hash, $expected_hash, 'Checking HASH building allows for callbacks with same data structure');
#Checking when we do an empty return undef
my $undef_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-CALLBACK => sub {
my ($row, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value) {
push(@{$value}, $row->[1]);
my $new_value = [$row->[1]];
return $new_value;
is_deeply($explicit_hash, $expected_hash, 'Checking HASH building allows for callbacks with same data structure with undef returns');
my $zero_count_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-SQL => 'select 1,0'
is($zero_count_hash->{1}, 0, 'Checking hash contains key for zero value');
my $null_count_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-SQL => 'select 1,NULL'
ok(!exists $null_count_hash->{1}, 'Checking hash doesnt contain key for NULL value');
my $v = $helper->execute_with_sth(-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta', -CALLBACK => sub {
my ($sth) = @_;
my $count;
$sth->bind_col(1, \$count);
return $count;
cmp_ok($v, '>', 0, 'Asserting we found data from meta using execute_with_sth()');
my $meta_table_count = $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta');
my $meta_memoize = $helper->execute(-SQL => 'select * from meta');
is(scalar(@{$meta_memoize}), $meta_table_count, 'All meta items are returned');
$dba->dbc()->do('alter table meta engine=InnoDB');
ok($helper->_perform_transaction_code(), 'This level should do all transaction work');
my $get_value = sub {
return $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select meta_value from meta where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$meta_key]);
#transaction isolation checks
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction(-CALLBACK => sub {
my $sql = 'insert into meta (species_id, meta_key, meta_value) values (?,?,?)';
-SQL => $sql,
-PARAMS => [2, 'm', '1']
-SQL => $sql,
-PARAMS => [2, 'm', '2']
my $count = $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta where species_id =?', -PARAMS => [2]);
is($count, 2, 'Count should be 2');
die 'Dead now';
}qr/Dead now/, 'Died as expected';
my $count = $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta where species_id =?', -PARAMS => [2]);
is($count, 0, 'Count should be 0 as we reset the transaction');
#Testing multiple level isolation (or more that the framework ignores them)
my $new_meta_value = 'test';
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction( -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'update meta set meta_value =? where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$new_meta_value, $meta_key]);
eval {
$helper->transaction(-CALLBACK => sub {
ok(!$helper->_perform_transaction_code(), 'This level should not be doing any transaction work');
die 'This will not cause the transaction to be aborted';
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'The die from the prior transaction should not have triggered a rollback');
die('Dead now');
} qr/Dead now/, 'Expected die found';
isnt($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Meta value is reset as transaction was aborted');
$helper->transaction( -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'delete from meta');
$helper->transaction( -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->batch(-SQL => 'insert into meta values (?,?,?,?)', -DATA => $meta_memoize);
my $new_count_hash = $helper->execute_into_hash(
-SQL => 'select meta_key, count(*) from meta group by meta_key'
is_deeply($new_count_hash, $meta_count_hash, 'Counts of meta keys should be the same');
#Testing transactional retry
my $new_meta_value = 'test';
# First try retries until the very last attempt
my $counter = 0;
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 3, -PAUSE => 0.1, -CALLBACK => sub {
#Die for the first 3 times (so we will succeed on the final attempt)
if($counter != 4) {
die 'Throwing an error to be ignored';
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'update meta set meta_value =? where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$new_meta_value, $meta_key]);
is($counter, 4, 'Counter should be set to 4 as we tried 4 attempts at writing (one go & 3 retries)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have gone through after retries');
#Second try will fail as we exhaust our retries
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 2, -PAUSE => 0.1, -CALLBACK => sub {
die 'Throwing an error 2';
} qr /Throwing an error 2/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 3, 'Counter should be set to 3 as we had 3 attempts at writing (one go & 2 retries)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have done nothing');
#Third one says we cannot influence the retry count from a sub-transaction
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 1, -PAUSE => 0.1, -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 10, -CALLBACK => sub {
die 'Throwing an error 3';
} qr /Throwing an error 3/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 2, 'Counter should be set to 2 as we had 2 attempts at writing (one go & 1 retry)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have done nothing');
#Fourth says we only retry when we find a specific issue
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
-RETRY => 4,
-PAUSE => 0.1,
-CALLBACK => sub {
die 'fake deadlock' if $counter <= 2;
die 'Throwing an error 4';
-CONDITION => sub {
my ($error) = @_;
return ( $error =~ /deadlock/ ) ? 1 : 0;
} qr /Throwing an error 4/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 3, 'Counter should be set to 3 as we had 2 fake deadlocks & 1 real error even though we allowed more retries');
#Fith says we sleep for at least the amount we say
my $counter = 0;
my $time = time();
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 1, -PAUSE => 2, -CALLBACK => sub {
if($counter != 2) {
die 'Throwing an error 5';
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'delete from meta where meta_value =? and meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$new_meta_value, $meta_key]);
my $elapsed = time() - $time;
cmp_ok($elapsed, '>=', 2, 'Checking more than 2 seconds elapsed between retries');
-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta where meta_key =? and meta_value=?',
-PARAMS => [$meta_key, $new_meta_value]
), 0,
'Commit will have deleted the meta_key row '.$meta_key);
#Sixth says you cannot repeat the transaction if it worked
my $counter = 0;
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 5, -PAUSE => 0.1, -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->execute_single_result('select 1');
is($counter, 1, 'Counter should be set to 1 as our transaction was good');
$helper->transaction( -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'delete from meta');
$helper->batch(-SQL => 'insert into meta values (?,?,?,?)', -DATA => $meta_memoize);
#Doing hashref checks
my $sql = 'select meta_key, meta_value from meta where meta_key =?';
my $params = ['species.common_name'];
my $array_of_hashes = $helper->execute(
-SQL => $sql,
-CALLBACK => sub {
my ($row) = @_;
return { name => $row->{meta_value} };
-PARAMS => $params
is_deeply($array_of_hashes, [ { name => 'Human' } ], 'HashRefs in a callback works');
my $array_of_hashes = $helper->execute(
-SQL => $sql,
-PARAMS => $params
is_deeply($array_of_hashes, [ { meta_key => $params->[0], meta_value => 'Human' } ], 'HashRefs using a default callback works');
$dba->dbc()->do('alter table meta engine=MyISAM');