# Pombe is imported from PomBase. The gene and transcript stable IDs
# are the PomBase identifiers. The display_xref_ids for genes and
# transcripts are calculated directly rather than via the more complex
# priority-based method in BasicMapper.pm
sub build_display_xrefs{
print"Setting $type display_xrefs from $type stable IDs\n";
my$sql="UPDATE $type t, ${type}_stable_id s, xref x, external_db e SET t.display_xref_id=x.xref_id WHERE t.${type}_id=s.${type}_id AND s.stable_id=x.dbprimary_acc AND e.external_db_id=x.external_db_id AND e.db_name=\'${external_db}\'\n";
$ignore{"EntrezGene"}='select ox.object_xref_id from object_xref ox, dependent_xref dx, source s1, xref x1, source s2, xref x2 where ox.object_xref_id = dx.object_xref_id and dx.dependent_xref_id = x1.xref_id and x1.source_id = s1.source_id and s1.name = "EntrezGene" and x2.xref_id = dx.master_xref_id and x2.source_id = s2.source_id and (s2.name like "Refseq_dna_predicted" or s2.name like "RefSeq_peptide_predicted") and ox.ox_status = "DUMP_OUT"';