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Commit 39e2c760 authored by Arne Stabenau's avatar Arne Stabenau
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preliminary version of an attrib_type upload script

parent 0561890c
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......@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ GetOptions( "host=s", \$host,
$file ||= $FindBin::Bin."/attrib_type.txt";
usage() if(!$host);
usage() if(($release_num && @dbnames) || (!$release_num && !@dbnames));
#release num XOR dbname are required
usage() if(($release_num && @dbnames) || (!$release_num && !@dbnames));
my $attribs = read_attrib_file( $file );
$port ||= 3306;
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$host;port=$port";
......@@ -55,6 +52,7 @@ print STDERR "The following databases will be external_db updated:\n ";
print join("\n ", @dbnames);
print "\ncontinue with update (yes/no)> ";
my $input = lc(<STDIN>);
if($input ne 'yes') {
......@@ -62,16 +60,123 @@ if($input ne 'yes') {
my $attribs = read_attrib_file( $file );
# if any attrib_types are loaded that are different from
# the file, a consistency problem is reported and the
# upload is not done.
for my $database ( @dbnames ) {
if( check_consistency( $attribs, $database, $db )) {
# consistent
$db->do( "use $database" );
$db->do( "delete from attrib_type" );
load_attribs( $db, $attribs );
} else {
print STDERR "Repairing $database, not consistent!\n";
repair( $attribs, $database, $db );
# move attrib types wih the same code to the common attrib_type table
# ones that are not in the table move to an attrib_type_id that is not used
sub repair {
my ( $attribs, $database, $db ) = @_;
$db->do( $database );
my @tables = qw( seq_region_attrib misc_attrib translation_attrib transcript_attrib );
my $ref = $db->selectall_arrayref( "show create table attib_type" );
my $create_table = $ref->[0]->[0];
$db->do( "alter table attrib_type rename old_attrib_type" );
$db->do( $create_table );
load_attribs( $db, $attribs );
$db->do( "delete old_attrib_type " .
"from old_attrib_type oat, attrib_type at " .
"where oat.attrib_type_id = at.attrib_type_id " .
"and oat.code = at.code" );
# only the conflicts remain in old attrib type
# move non conflicting entries out of the way to upper part of
# attrib_type table
$db->do( "create table tmp_attrib_types ".
"select oat.attrib_type_id, oat.code,, oat.description " .
"from old_attrib_type oat " .
"left join attrib_type at " .
"on oat.code = at.code " .
"where at.code is null" );
$db->do( "insert into attrib_type( code, name, description) ".
"select code, name, description ".
"from tmp_attrib_types" );
$ref = $db->selectall_arrayref( "select code from tmp_attrib_type" );
$db->do( "drop table tmp_attrib_types" );
if( ! @$ref ) {
# no problem, thats strange
print STDERR "Strange condition, $database didnt have conflicts but ".
"executed conflict code\n";
print STDERR "Database $database has following codes different from attrib_type.txt.\n";
print STDERR join( ",", map { $_->[0] } @$ref ),"\n";
# now do multi table updates on all tables
for my $up_table ( @tables ) {
$db->do( "update $up_table tb, attrib_type at, old_attrib_type oat ".
"set tb.attrib_type_id = at.attrib_type_id ".
"where tb.attrib_type_id = oat.attrib_type_id ".
"and oat.code = at.code " );
sub load_attribs {
my ( $db, $attribs ) = @_;
my $sth;
$sth = $db->prepare( "insert into attrib_type( attrib_type_id, code, name, description) ".
"values(?,?,?,?)" );
for my $attrib ( @$attribs ) {
$sth->execute( $attrib->{'attrib_type_id'}, $attrib->{'code'},
$attrib->{'name'}, $attrib->{'description'} );
# alternatively consistency can be enforceed to a certain degree
sub check_consistency {
my $attribs = shift;
my $database_names = shift;
my $database = shift;
my $db = shift;
my ( %db_codes, %file_codes );
map { $file_codes{$_->{'attrib_type_id'}} = $_->{'code'}} @$attribs;
$db->do( "use $database" );
my $sth = $db->prepare( "SELECT attrib_type_id, code, name, description ".
"FROM attrib_type" );
while( my $arr = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref() ) {
$db_codes{ $arr->[0] } = $arr->[1];
# check if any ids in the database colide with the file
my $consistent = 1;
for my $dbid ( keys %db_codes ) {
if(! exists $file_codes{ $dbid } ||
$file_codes{$dbid} ne $db_codes{ $dbid } ) {
$consistent = 0;
return $consistent;
......@@ -102,4 +207,25 @@ sub read_attrib_file {
return \@rows;
sub usage {
GetOptions( "host=s", \$host,
"user=s", \$user,
"pass=s", \$pass,
"port=i", \$port,
"file=s", \$file,
"dbnames=s@", \@dbnames,
"release_num=i", \$release_num
print STDERR <<EOC
Usage perl -host .. -user .. -port .. -pass ..
and either -dbnames homo_sap_1 -dbname homo_sap_2 -dbnames .....
or -relase_num ..
put -file .. if its not the default
attrib_type.txt right next to this script
0% or .
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