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Commit 515a0ce0 authored by Magali Ruffier's avatar Magali Ruffier
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former script moved to module format to be run...

former script moved to module format to be run as part of the production pipeline
list of populations has been updated after discussion with variation
parent e9b1d176
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package Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Production::NonSense;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Base/;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute;
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
my $species = $self->param('species');
my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor($species, 'core');
my $dbva = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor($species, 'variation');
my %codes = $self->get_attrib_codes();
$self->delete_old_attribs($dba, %codes);
my %unique;
my $pops = $self->get_populations();
my %samples = $self->get_sample_ids($dbva, $pops);
my $transcripts = $self->get_features($dbva);
foreach my $transcript (@{ $transcripts }) {
my @transcript = @$transcript;
if ($samples{$transcript->[0]}) {
my $pop = $samples{$transcript->[0]};
my $transcript_stable_id = $transcript->[1];
my $rsid = $transcript->[2];
my $consequence = $transcript->[3];
print "FOUND:" . $transcript_stable_id . "\t" . $pop . "\t" . $rsid . "\t" . $consequence . "\n";
if (!$unique{$transcript_stable_id.":".$rsid.":".$pop.":".$consequence}) {
$self->store_attribute($dbva, $transcript_stable_id, $rsid, $pop, $consequence, %codes);
$unique{$transcript_stable_id.":".$rsid.":".$pop.":".$consequence} = 1;
sub store_attribute {
my ($self, $dbva, $transcript_stable_id, $rsid, $pop, $consequence, %codes) = @_;
my $aa = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($self->param('species'), 'core', 'attribute');
my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($self->param('species'), 'core', 'transcript');
my $transcript = $ta->fetch_by_stable_id($transcript_stable_id);
my $code = $codes{$consequence};
my $prod_dba = $self->get_production_DBAdaptor();
my $prod_helper = $prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper();
my $sql = q{
SELECT name, description
FROM attrib_type
WHERE code = ? };
my ($name, $description) = @{$prod_helper->execute(-SQL => $sql, -PARAMS => [$code])->[0]};
my $attrib = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(
-NAME => $name,
-CODE => $code,
-VALUE => $rsid.",".$pop,
-DESCRIPTION => $description
my @attribs = ($attrib);
if ($transcript) {
$aa->store_on_Transcript($transcript, \@attribs);
sub get_sample_ids {
my ($self, $dbva, $pops) = @_;
my %samples;
my $helper = $dbva->dbc()->sql_helper();
my ($sample_id, $name);
my $sql = q{
SELECT p.sample_id,
FROM sample s, population p
WHERE p.sample_id = s.sample_id
AND = ? };
foreach my $pop (@$pops) {
my $result = $helper->execute(-SQL => $sql, -PARAMS => [$pop])->[0] ;
if ($result) {
$sample_id = @$result[0];
$name = @$result[1];
if ($sample_id) {
$samples{$sample_id} = $name;
return %samples;
sub get_features {
my ($self, $dbva) = @_;
my $helper = $dbva->dbc->sql_helper();
my $source_id = $self->get_source_id($dbva, 'dbSNP');
my $frequency = $self->param('frequency');
my $observation = $self->param('observation');
my $sql = q{
SELECT a.sample_id, tv.feature_stable_id, vf.variation_name, substring_index(tv.consequence_types, ",", 1)
FROM transcript_variation tv, variation_feature vf, allele_code ac, allele a
WHERE vf.variation_feature_id = tv.variation_feature_id
AND vf.variation_id = a.variation_id
AND ac.allele = substring_index(tv.allele_string, "/", -1)
AND tv.somatic = 0
AND (FIND_IN_SET('stop_lost', tv.consequence_types)
OR FIND_IN_SET('stop_gained', tv.consequence_types))
AND a.allele_code_id = ac.allele_code_id
AND a.frequency >= ?
AND a.count >= ?
AND vf.source_id = ? };
my @transcripts = @{ $helper->execute(-SQL => $sql, -PARAMS =>[$frequency, $observation, $source_id]) } ;
return \@transcripts;
sub delete_old_attribs {
my ($self, $dba, %codes) = @_;
my $helper = $dba->dbc()->sql_helper();
my $sql = q{
FROM transcript_attrib ta, attrib_type at
WHERE ta.attrib_type_id = at.attrib_type_id
AND at.code = ? };
foreach my $code (keys %codes) {
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => $sql, -PARAMS => [$code]);
sub get_source_id {
my ($self, $dbva, $source) = @_;
my $helper = $dbva->dbc()->sql_helper();
my $sql = q{
SELECT source_id
FROM source
WHERE name = ? };
my $source_id = $helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => $sql, -PARAMS => [$source]);
return $source_id;
sub get_attrib_codes {
my ($self) = @_;
my %attrib_codes = ('stop_lost' => 'StopLost', 'stop_gained' => 'StopGained');
return %attrib_codes;
sub get_populations {
my ($self) = @_;
my @pops = (
return \@pops;
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