@new_sp_assem=map{$_->[0]}@{$prod_dbh->selectall_arrayref("select distinct concat(full_db_name,'|',db_host) from db_list dl join db d using (db_id) where is_current = 1 and db_type = 'core' and species_id not in (select distinct species_id from db where is_current <> 1 and db_type = 'core') union
@new_sp_assem=map{$_->[0]}@{$prod_dbh->selectall_arrayref("select distinct concat(full_db_name,'|',db_host) from db_list dl join db d using (db_id) where db_release = $current_release and db_type = 'core' and species_id not in (select distinct species_id from db where db_release <> $current_release and db_type = 'core') union
select distinct concat(full_db_name,'|',db_host) from db_list dl join db d using (db_id) where db_type = 'core' and is_current = 1 and species_id in (select distinct species_id from changelog_species cs join changelog c using (changelog_id) where release_id = $current_release and status not in ('cancelled','postponed') and assembly = 'Y')")};
#get dbs with changed sequence
@chg_seq=map{$_->[0]}@{$prod_dbh->selectall_arrayref("select distinct concat(full_db_name,'|',db_host) from db_list dl join db d using (db_id) where db_type = 'core' and is_current = 1 and species_id in (select distinct species_id from changelog_species cs join changelog c using (changelog_id) where release_id = $current_release and status not in ('cancelled','postponed') and gene_set = 'Y')")};