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Commit 62ab49c2 authored by Andy Yates's avatar Andy Yates
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Making this script new alt allele compatible

parent 88bf9877
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
# (make sure api version is correct
......@@ -41,113 +43,102 @@ if(!defined($cdbname)){
# Connect to the core database
# Connect to the core & vega database
my $core_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $chost||'ens-staging1',
-user => $cuser||'ensadmin',
-pass => $cpass,
-species => "test",
-dbname => $cdbname||"homo_sapiens_core_63_37");
my $core_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
-host => $chost||'ens-staging1',
-user => $cuser||'ensadmin',
-pass => $cpass,
-group => 'core',
-dbname => $cdbname
my $vega_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
-host => $vhost||'ens-staging1',
-user => $vuser||'ensadmin',
-pass => $vpass,
-group => 'vega',
-dbname => $vdbname
# get ensembl gene ids and vega stable ids from the core database
# get ensembl gene ids and vega stable ids from the *core* database
my %vega_to_ens_id;
my ($vega_stable_id, $gene_id);
my $sth = $core_dba->dbc->prepare("select ensembl_id, display_label from object_xref join xref using(xref_id) join external_db using(external_db_id) where db_name = 'OTTG' and ensembl_object_type = 'Gene'");
$sth->bind_columns(\$gene_id, \$vega_stable_id);
while ($sth->fetch){
# sometimes we will see more than one gene associated with an OTTG
# this happens when an OTTG on the primary assemby has been projected to a patch
$vega_to_ens_id{$vega_stable_id}{$gene_id} = $gene_id;
print "\nFetched ".(scalar(keys %vega_to_ens_id))." vega_stable_ids\n";
my $vega_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $vhost||'ens-staging1',
-user => $vuser||'ensro',
-port => $vport||3306,
-dbname => $vdbname||"homo_sapiens_vega_63_37");
# SQL to get alt_allele data from vega
my $sql =(<<EOS);
select aa.alt_allele_id, g.stable_id
from alt_allele aa, gene g
where aa.gene_id = g.gene_id
# Store data in a hash where the key is the alt_id and the ensembl gene ids
# stored in an anonymous array (value of the hash).
my $sth = $vega_dba->dbc->prepare($sql);
my ($alt_id, $vega_stable_id);
my %alt_alleles;
$sth->bind_columns(\$alt_id, \$vega_stable_id);
my $vega_core_sql = <<'SQL';
select ensembl_id, display_label
from object_xref
join xref using(xref_id)
join external_db using(external_db_id)
where db_name = 'OTTG'
and ensembl_object_type = 'Gene'
# sometimes we will see more than one gene associated with an OTTG
# this happens when an OTTG on the primary assemby has been projected to a patch.
my %vega_to_ensembl_core_gene_id;
$core_dba->dbc->sql_helper()->execute_no_return(-SQL => $vega_core_sql, -CALLBACK => sub {
my ($row) = @_;
my ($vega_stable_id, $gene_id) = @{$row};
$vega_to_ensembl_core_gene_id{$vega_stable_id}{$gene_id} = $gene_id;
print "\nFetched ".(scalar(keys %vega_to_ensembl_core_gene_id))." Vega Stable IDs\n";
# Get AltAlleles from vega
my $vega_aaga = $vega_dba->get_AltAlleleGroupAdaptor();
#TODO deprecated call in 74
my $vega_groups = $vega_aaga->fetch_all_Groups();
# my $groups = $vega_aaga->fetch_all(); #replace the above with me ASAP
my $cnt_vega_rows = @{$vega_groups};
print STDERR "Fetched $cnt_vega_rows rows from the vega db alt_allele table\n";
my %no_gene_id;
my $cnt_vega_rows = 0;
if (exists $vega_to_ens_id{$vega_stable_id} ) {
foreach my $gene_id ( keys %{$vega_to_ens_id{$vega_stable_id}} ) {
push @{$alt_alleles{$alt_id}}, $gene_id ;
my @new_groups;
foreach my $group (@{$vega_groups}) {
my $members = $group->get_all_Genes_types();
my $new_core_group = undef;
foreach my $member (@{$members}) {
my ($vega_gene, $attribs_hash) = @{$member};
if(exists $vega_to_ensembl_core_gene_id{$vega_gene->stable_id()}) {
$new_core_group ||= Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup->new(); # initalise if we don't already have one
foreach my $gene_id (keys %{$vega_to_ens_id{$vega_stable_id}} ) {
#Add each gene in. If we had a 1:m relationship then we copy the attribute already assigned
$new_core_group->add_member($gene_id, $attribs_hash);
else {
push @{$no_gene_id{$group->dbID()}}, $vega_stable_id;
print STDERR "no ensembl gene_id found for vega stable id $vega_stable_id in core\n";
} else {
push @{$no_gene_id{$alt_id}}, $vega_stable_id;
print STDERR "no ensembl gene_id found for vega stable id $vega_stable_id in core\n";
push(@new_groups, $new_core_group);
print STDERR "Fetched $cnt_vega_rows rows from the vega db alt_allele table\n";
# Delete the old data
print STDERR "\n\nDeleting all alt_alleles...\n\n";
my $sth = $core_dba->dbc->prepare("delete from alt_allele");
$core_dba->dbc->do("delete from alt_allele");
# Store alt_alleles.
print STDERR "Storing new alt alleles...\n\n";
my $alt_allele_count=0;
my $gene_count = 0;
my $ga = $core_dba->get_adaptor("gene");
foreach my $key (keys %alt_alleles){
my @gene_ids = @{$alt_alleles{$key}};
my @genes;
foreach my $gene_id (@gene_ids) {
push @genes, $ga->fetch_by_dbID($gene_id);
my $alt_allele_id = $ga->store_alt_alleles(\@genes);
$alt_allele_count ++ if ($alt_allele_id);
$gene_count += scalar(@genes) if ($alt_allele_id);
my $core_aaga = $core_dba->get_AltAlleleGroupAdaptor();
foreach my $group (@new_groups) {
my $alt_allele_id = $core_aaga->store($group);
$gene_count += $group->size()
print "Added $alt_allele_count alt_allele ids for $gene_count genes\nDONE\n";
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