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Commit 6d276ea9 authored by Graham McVicker's avatar Graham McVicker
Browse files

keep track of types of mapping problems now

parent be886aaa
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......@@ -9,89 +9,139 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
my $MAX_CODING_INDEL = 12; #max allowed coding indel in exon
my $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL = 5; #max allowed frameshifting indel in exon
use ErrCode qw(get_err set_err ec2str);
my $MAX_CODING_INDEL = 18; #max allowed coding indel in exon
my $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL = 8; #max allowed frameshifting indel in exon
my ($hhost, $hdbname, $huser, $hpass, $hport, $hassembly, #human vars
$chost, $cdbname, $cuser, $cpass, $cport, $cassembly, #chimp vars
$help, $verbose);
my $verbose;
GetOptions('hhost=s' => \$hhost,
'hdbname=s' => \$hdbname,
'huser=s' => \$huser,
'hpass=s' => \$hpass,
'hport=i' => \$hport,
'hassembly=s' => \$hassembly,
'chost=s' => \$chost,
'cdbname=s' => \$cdbname,
'cuser=s' => \$cuser,
'cpass=s' => \$cpass,
'cport=i' => \$cport,
'cassembly=s' => \$cassembly,
'help' => \$help,
'verbose' => \$verbose);
{ #block to avoid namespace pollution
my ($hhost, $hdbname, $huser, $hpass, $hport, $hassembly, #human vars
$chost, $cdbname, $cuser, $cpass, $cport, $cassembly, #chimp vars
usage() if($help);
usage("-hdbname option is required") if (!$hdbname);
usage("-cdbname option is required") if (!$cdbname);
GetOptions('hhost=s' => \$hhost,
'hdbname=s' => \$hdbname,
'huser=s' => \$huser,
'hpass=s' => \$hpass,
'hport=i' => \$hport,
'hassembly=s' => \$hassembly,
'hchromosome=s' => \$hchromosome,
'chost=s' => \$chost,
'cdbname=s' => \$cdbname,
'cuser=s' => \$cuser,
'cpass=s' => \$cpass,
'cport=i' => \$cport,
'cassembly=s' => \$cassembly,
'help' => \$help,
'verbose' => \$verbose);
$hport ||= 3306;
$cport ||= 3306;
$hdbname ||= 'localhost';
$cdbname ||= 'localhost';
usage() if($help);
usage("-hdbname option is required") if (!$hdbname);
usage("-cdbname option is required") if (!$cdbname);
$hassembly ||= 'NCBI34';
$cassembly ||= 'BROAD1';
$hport ||= 3306;
$cport ||= 3306;
debug("Connecting to human database");
$hdbname ||= 'localhost';
$cdbname ||= 'localhost';
my $human_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new
(-host => $hhost,
-dbname => $hdbname,
-pass => $hpass,
-user => $huser,
-port => $hport);
$hassembly ||= 'NCBI34';
$cassembly ||= 'BROAD1';
debug("Connecting to chimp database");
debug("Connecting to human database");
my $chimp_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new
(-host => $chost,
-dbname => $cdbname,
-pass => $cpass,
-user => $cuser,
-port => $cport);
my $human_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new
(-host => $hhost,
-dbname => $hdbname,
-pass => $hpass,
-user => $huser,
-port => $hport);
debug("Connecting to chimp database");
my $chimp_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new
(-host => $chost,
-dbname => $cdbname,
-pass => $cpass,
-user => $cuser,
-port => $cport);
my $slice_adaptor = $human_db->get_SliceAdaptor();
my $gene_adaptor = $human_db->get_GeneAdaptor();
debug("Fetching chromosomes");
my $slice_adaptor = $human_db->get_SliceAdaptor();
my $gene_adaptor = $human_db->get_GeneAdaptor();
my $slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('chromosome', $hassembly);
foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
debug("Fetching chromosomes");
debug("Chromosome: " . $slice->seq_region_name());
debug("Fetching Genes");
my $slices;
my $genes = $gene_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice);
if($hchromosome) {
my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome',
undef, undef, undef,
if(!$slice) {
throw("unknown chromosome $hchromosome");
$slices = [$slice];
} else {
$slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('chromosome', $hassembly);
my %err_hash;
my $total_transcripts = 0;
my $mapped_transcripts = 0;
foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
debug("Chromosome: " . $slice->seq_region_name());
debug("Fetching Genes");
my $genes = $gene_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice);
foreach my $gene (reverse @$genes) {
debug("Gene: ".$gene->stable_id);
my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts();
foreach my $transcript (@$transcripts) {
next if(!$transcript->translation);
foreach my $gene (reverse @$genes) {
debug("Gene: ".$gene->stable_id);
my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts();
foreach my $transcript (@$transcripts) {
my @transcripts = transfer_transcript($human_db,$chimp_db,$transcript,
$hassembly, $cassembly);
my @transcripts = transfer_transcript($human_db,$chimp_db,$transcript);
if(@transcripts) {
foreach my $transcript (@transcripts) {
debug("\nTranslation:" . $transcript->translate()->seq() . "\n\n");
} else {
$err_hash{get_err()}++ if(!@transcripts);
print STDERR "Mapped/Total Transcripts: " .
print STDERR "==Error Report==\n";
print STDERR "#Occurances\tCode:Description\n";
print STDERR "-----------\t----------------\n";
foreach my $ec (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %err_hash) {
print STDERR $err_hash{$ec}, "\t\t$ec:", ec2str($ec), "\n";
......@@ -105,6 +155,8 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
my $human_db = shift;
my $chimp_db = shift;
my $transcript = shift;
my $hassembly = shift;
my $cassembly = shift;
debug("Transcript: " . $transcript->stable_id());
......@@ -159,7 +211,8 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
} else {
### TBD: can do more sensible checking and maybe split transcript
debug('entire coding exon deletion - discarding transcript');
return ();
} else {
......@@ -174,12 +227,6 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
$chimp_cdna_pos += $c->length();
$cdna_exon_start += $c->length();
#debug("exon mapped - incrementing chimp_cdna_pos and cdna_exon_start\n" .
# " exon_len = " . $c->length() . "\n" .
# " chimp_cdna_pos = $chimp_cdna_pos\n" .
# " cdna_exon_start = $cdna_exon_start");
push @chimp_exons, [$c->start(), $c->end(), $c->strand(), $c->id()];
} else {
......@@ -190,7 +237,7 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
if(!$result) {
#failed to obtain extent of coords due to scaffold spanning
#strand flipping, or exon inversion
### TBD - fix this, may be ok to drop exon and continue esp. if exon
### is entirely UTR
return ();
......@@ -241,7 +288,8 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
#sanity check:
if($insert_len < 0) {
throw("Unexpected - negative insert - undetected exon inversion?");
throw("Unexpected - negative insert " .
"- undetected exon inversion?");
if($insert_len > 0) {
......@@ -249,8 +297,6 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
# insert in chimp, deletion in human
#debug("before insertion processing\n" .
# " cdna_exon_start = $cdna_exon_start");
my $result =
process_insertion(\$chimp_cdna_pos, $insert_len,
......@@ -259,9 +305,6 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
\$cdna_coding_start, \$cdna_coding_end,
#debug("after insertion processing\n" .
# " cdna_exon_start = $cdna_exon_start");
return () if(!defined($result));
push @chimp_exons, @$result;
......@@ -272,20 +315,11 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
$chimp_cdna_pos += $c->length();
#debug("match - incremented chimp_cdna_pos\n" .
# " match_len = " . $c->length() . "\n" .
# " chimp_cdna_pos = $chimp_cdna_pos");
} # foreach coord
$cdna_exon_start += $exon_end - $exon_start + 1;
#debug("exon complete - incremented cdna_exon_start\n" .
# " exon_len = " . ($exon_end - $exon_start + 1) .
# " cdna_exon_start = $cdna_exon_start\n");
push @chimp_exons, [$exon_start, $exon_end, $exon_strand,
......@@ -293,13 +327,10 @@ sub transfer_transcript {
my $slice_adaptor = $chimp_db->get_SliceAdaptor();
my @transcripts = create_transcripts(\@chimp_exons,
$cdna_coding_start, $cdna_coding_end,
return create_transcripts(\@chimp_exons,
$cdna_coding_start, $cdna_coding_end,
foreach my $transcript (@transcripts) {
debug("\nTranslation:" . $transcript->translate()->seq() . "\n\n");
......@@ -339,11 +370,8 @@ sub process_deletion {
my $exon_len = $$exon_end_ref - $$exon_start_ref + 1;
my $cdna_exon_end = $$cdna_exon_start_ref + $exon_len - 1;
#debug("processing deletion");
#debug(" del_start = $del_start");
#debug(" del_end = $del_end");
#sanity check, deletion should be completely in or adjacent to exon boundaries
# sanity check, deletion should be completely in
# or adjacent to exon boundaries
if($del_start < $$cdna_exon_start_ref - 1 ||
$del_start > $cdna_exon_end + 1) {
......@@ -362,7 +390,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
$del_end >= $$cdna_coding_end_ref) {
# nothing can be done with this exon since entire CDS is deleted
debug("entire cds deleted - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -379,8 +407,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($cds_del_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been deleted
debug("cds deletion is too long ($cds_del_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -396,8 +423,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($frameshift) {
if($cds_del_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
# frameshift deletion is too long
debug("frameshift deletion is too long ($cds_del_len) " .
"- discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -406,7 +432,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
$$cdna_coding_start_ref += 3 - $frameshift;
if($$cdna_coding_start_ref >= $$cdna_coding_end_ref) {
debug("no cds left after shift - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -425,8 +451,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($cds_del_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been deleted
debug("cds deletion is too long ($cds_del_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -437,9 +462,8 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($frameshift) {
if($cds_del_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
debug("frameshift deletion is too long ($cds_del_len) " .
"- discarding transcript");
return undef;
return undef;
#move up CDS end to put reading frame back (shrink CDS)
......@@ -447,7 +471,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
$$cdna_coding_end_ref -= 3 - $frameshift;
if($$cdna_coding_start_ref >= $$cdna_coding_end_ref) {
debug("no cds left after shift - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -461,8 +485,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($del_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been deleted
debug("cds deletion is too long ($del_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -473,8 +496,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($frameshift) {
if($del_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
debug("frameshift deletion is too long ($del_len) " .
"- discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -483,7 +505,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
$$cdna_coding_start_ref += 3 - $frameshift;
if($$cdna_coding_start_ref >= $$cdna_coding_end_ref) {
debug("no cds left after shift - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -497,8 +519,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($del_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been deleted
debug("cds deletion is too long ($del_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -509,8 +530,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($frameshift) {
if($del_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
debug("frameshift deletion is too long ($del_len) " .
"- discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -518,7 +538,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
$$cdna_coding_end_ref -= 3 - $frameshift;
if($$cdna_coding_start_ref >= $$cdna_coding_end_ref) {
debug("no cds left after shift - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -532,9 +552,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
debug("delete ($del_len) in middle of cds");
if($del_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been deleted
debug("cds deletion is too long ($del_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -545,8 +563,7 @@ sub process_deletion {
if($frameshift) {
if($del_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
debug("frameshift deletion is too long ($del_len) " .
" - discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -673,9 +690,6 @@ sub process_insertion {
my $exon_len = $$exon_end_ref - $$exon_start_ref + 1;
my $cdna_exon_end = $$cdna_exon_start_ref + $exon_len - 1;
#debug("processing insertion");
#debug(" ins_left = $$cdna_ins_pos_ref");
#debug(" ins_len = $insert_len");
# sanity check, insert should be completely in exon boundaries
if($$cdna_ins_pos_ref < $$cdna_exon_start_ref ||
......@@ -688,8 +702,8 @@ sub process_insertion {
if($$cdna_ins_pos_ref < $$cdna_exon_start_ref &&
$$cdna_ins_pos_ref + 3 >= $$cdna_exon_start_ref ) {
### TBD not sure what should be done with this situation
debug("insert following the introduction of a frameshift intron" .
"and a very small match - confused and bailing on transcript");
return ();
......@@ -712,8 +726,7 @@ sub process_insertion {
if($insert_len > $MAX_CODING_INDEL) {
# too much coding sequence has been inserted
debug("cds insertion is too long ($insert_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -724,8 +737,7 @@ sub process_insertion {
if($frameshift) {
if($insert_len > $MAX_FRAMESHIFT_INDEL) {
debug("frameshift insertion is too long ($insert_len) - " .
"discarding transcript");
return undef;
......@@ -818,21 +830,14 @@ sub get_coords_extent {
my($start, $end, $strand, $seq_region);
#debug("calculating coord span");
foreach my $c (@$coords) {
next if($c->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap'));
#debug(" coord_start = " . $c->start );
#debug(" coord_end = " . $c->end );
#debug(" coord_strand = " . $c->strand );
#debug(" coord_id = " . $c->id);
if(!defined($seq_region)) {
$seq_region = $c->id();
elsif($seq_region ne $c->id()) {
debug("coords spans multiple scaffolds - unable to get extent");
return undef;
......@@ -840,8 +845,7 @@ sub get_coords_extent {
$strand = $c->strand();
elsif($strand != $c->strand()) {
debug("coords flip strands - unable to get extent");
return undef;
......@@ -849,11 +853,11 @@ sub get_coords_extent {
$start = $c->start if(!defined($start));
} else {
if($strand == 1 && $start > $c->start()) {
debug("coord inversion - unable to get extent");
return undef;
if($strand == -1 && $start < $c->start()) {
debug("coord inversion - unable to get extent");
return undef;
......@@ -866,11 +870,11 @@ sub get_coords_extent {
$end = $c->end();
} else {
if($strand == 1 && $end > $c->end()) {
debug("coord inversion - unable to get extent");
return undef;
if($strand == -1 && $end < $c->end()) {
debug("coord inversion - unable to get extent");
return undef;
if($c->end > $end) {
......@@ -879,9 +883,6 @@ sub get_coords_extent {
#debug(" calculated span = $start-$end($strand)\n" .
# " length = " . ($end - $start + 1));
return [$start, $end, $strand, $seq_region];
......@@ -929,7 +930,7 @@ sub create_transcripts {
$transcript_seq_region = $seq_region;
elsif($transcript_seq_region ne $seq_region) {
debug("transcript exons on different scaffolds - discarding transcript");
### TBD can probably split transcript rather than discarding
return ();
......@@ -938,7 +939,7 @@ sub create_transcripts {
$transcript_strand = $exon_strand;
elsif($transcript_strand != $exon_strand) {
debug("transcript exons on different strands - discarding transcript");
### TBD can probably split transcript rather than discarding
return ();
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