print"Read $num_sp SwissProt xrefs, $num_sptr SPTrEMBL xrefs with protein evidence codes 1-3, and $num_sptr_non_display SPTrEMBL xrefs with protein evidence codes > 3 from $file\n"if($verbose);
print"Read $num_sp SwissProt xrefs, $num_sptr SPTrEMBL xrefs with protein evidence codes 1-2, and $num_sptr_non_display SPTrEMBL xrefs with protein evidence codes > 2 from $file\n"if($verbose);
print"Found $num_sp_pred predicted SwissProt xrefs and $num_sptr_pred predicted SPTrEMBL xrefs\n"if(($num_sp_pred>0||$num_sptr_pred>0)and$verbose);
print"Found $num_sp_pred predicted SwissProt xrefs and $num_sptr_pred predicted SPTrEMBL xrefs\n"if(($num_sp_pred>0||$num_sptr_pred>0)and$verbose);