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Commit 96f7b6c6 authored by Kieron Taylor's avatar Kieron Taylor :angry:
Browse files

Introduced Utils::IO namespace along with serializer code for GFF3 and...

Introduced Utils::IO namespace along with serializer code for GFF3 and human-readable formats. Pre-release, not intended for public use.
Also added Utils::BiotypeMapper that performs ontology mappings.
parent 1d912233
No related branches found
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=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2011 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 NAME
BiotypeMapper - Translates EnsEMBL biotypes into Sequence Ontology terms and back
=head1 AUTHOR
Kieron Taylor, 2011 -
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper
my $ontology_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Multi', 'Ontology', 'OntologyTerm' );
my $biotype_mapper = new BiotypeMapper($ontology_adaptor);
print $biotype_mapper->translate_feature_to_SO_term($feature);
BiotypeMapper provides a series of nearest matches between EnsEMBL biotypes and
the Sequence Ontology (
Mappings are imperfect due to the inexact correspondance of biotypes to
several SO terms. The a best guess has been chosen in each case.
Reverse mappings from SO to biotype are vague, due to many-to-one relationships.
In this case a list of possible terms is given.
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
my %gene_so_mapping = (
'protein_coding' => 'SO:0001217', # protein_coding_gene
'pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336', # pseudogene
'processed_transcript' => 'SO:0001503', # processed_transcript
'lincRNA' => 'SO:0001641', # lincRNA_gene
'polymorphic_pseudogene'=> 'SO:0000336', # pseudogene
'Mt_tRNA' => 'SO:0000088', # mt_gene
'IG_D_gene' => 'SO:0000510', # D_gene
'snoRNA' => 'SO:0001267', #snoRNA_gene
'misc_RNA' => 'SO:0000356', #RNA
'miRNA' => 'SO:0001265', #miRNA_gene
'rRNA' => 'SO:0001637', #rRNA_gene
'snRNA' => 'SO:0001268', #snRNA_gene
'snRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336', # pseudogene
'tRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000778', # pseudogenic_tRNA
'rRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000777', # pseudogenic_rRNA
'TR_J_gene' => 'SO:0000470', # J_gene
'TR_V_gene' => 'SO:0000466', # V_gene
'TR_C_gene' => 'SO:0000478', # C_gene
'ncRNA' => 'SO:0001263', # ncRNA_gene
'tRNA' => 'SO:0001272', # tRNA_gene
'retrotransposed' => 'SO:0000569', # retrotransposed
## heavily abbreviated
my %transcript_so_mapping = (
'processed_transcript' => 'SO:0001503', # processed_transcript
'nonsense_mediated_decay' => 'SO:0001621', # NMD_transcript_variant
'retained_intron' => 'SO:0000681', # aberrant_processed_transcript
'transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene'=> 'SO:0000516', # pseudogenic_transcript
'processed_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000043', # processed_pseudogene
'unprocessed_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336', # pseudogene
'unitary_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336', # pseudogene
'transcribed_processed_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000043',
'retrotransposed' => 'SO:0000569', #retrotransposed
'ncrna_host' => 'SO:0000483',
'polymorphic_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'lincRNA' => 'SO:0001463',
'ncrna_host' => 'SO:0000483',
'3prime_overlapping_ncrna' => 'SO:0000483',
'TR_V_gene' => 'SO:0000466',
'TR_V_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'TR_J_gene' => 'SO:0000470',
'IG_C_gene' => 'SO:0000478',
'IG_C_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'TR_C_gene' => 'SO:0000478',
'IG_J_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'miRNA' => 'SO:0000276', #miRNA
'miRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'disrupted_domain' => 'SO:0000681', # aberrant_processed_transcript
'rRNA' => 'SO:0000252', #rRNA
'rRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000777',
'scRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'snoRNA' => 'SO:0000275', # snoRNA
'snoRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
'snRNA' => 'SO:0000274', # snRNA
'snRNA_pseudogene' => 'SO:0000336',
my %feature_so_mapping = (
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene' => 'SO:0000704', # gene
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript' => 'SO:0000673', # transcript
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice' => 'SO:0000001', # region
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature' => 'SO:0001060', # sequence variant
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::StructuralVariationFeature' => 'SO:0001537', # structural variant
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConstrainedElement' => 'SO:0001009', #DNA_constraint_sequence ????
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::RegulatoryFeature' => 'SO:0001679', # transcription_regulatory_region
=head2 new
Arg [1] : OntologyAdaptor from the EnsEMBL registry
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::BiotypeMapper
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
ontology_adaptor => shift,
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 translate_feature_to_SO_term
Arg [0] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature, subclass or related Storable
Description: Translates a Feature type into an SO term. If the Feature is a
Gene or Transcript, then a further refinement of the type is made
via Biotype
Returntype : String
sub translate_feature_to_SO_term {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
my $so_accession;
my $so_term;
if (ref($feature) eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene" and exists $gene_so_mapping{$feature->biotype}) {
$so_accession = $gene_so_mapping{$feature->biotype};
elsif (ref($feature) eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcription" and exists $transcript_so_mapping{$feature->biotype}) {
$so_accession = $transcript_so_mapping{$feature->biotype};
else {
$so_accession = $feature_so_mapping{ref($feature)};
if (defined($so_accession)) {
$so_term = $self->{'ontology_adaptor'}->fetch_by_accession($so_accession);
else {
carp "Ontology mapping not found for ".ref($feature)."\n";
return "????????";
return $so_term->name;
=head2 translate_SO_to_biotype
Arg [0] : Sequence Ontology term, either in name or URI format
Description: Returns the closest corresponding Ensembl biotypes to a given SO term
Returntype : String containing a comma-separated list of biotypes
sub translate_SO_to_biotype {
my $self = shift;
my $translate_me = shift;
my @so_names;
# look up text in ontology database
if ($translate_me !~ /^SO:/) {
my $so_terms = $self->{'ontology_adaptor'}->fetch_all_by_name($translate_me);
@so_names = [];
foreach my $term (@{$so_terms}) {
push @so_names,$term->accession();
else {
push @so_names,$translate_me;
# convert list of accessions into biotypes
my @biotypes;
foreach my $accession (@so_names) {
foreach my $key (keys %gene_so_mapping) {
if ($gene_so_mapping{$key} eq $accession) {
push @biotypes,$key;
foreach my $key (keys %transcript_so_mapping) {
if ($transcript_so_mapping{$key} eq $accession) {
push @biotypes,$key;
foreach my $key (keys %feature_so_mapping) {
if ($feature_so_mapping{$key} eq $accession) {
push @biotypes,$key;
return join (',',@biotypes);
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2011 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 NAME
GFFSerializer - Feature to GFF converter
=head1 AUTHOR
Kieron Taylor, 2011 -
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::GFFSerializer;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper;
my $ontology_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Multi', 'Ontology', 'OntologyTerm' );
my $biotype_mapper = new BiotypeMapper($ontology_adaptor);
my $serializer = new GFFSerializer($biotype_mapper,$output_fh);
my $variation_feature_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( $config{'species'}, 'variation', 'variationfeature' );
$serializer->print_metadata("Variation Features:");
my $iterator = $variation_feature_adaptor->fetch_Iterator_by_Slice($slice,undef,60000);
Subclass of Serializer that can turn a feature into a line for the GFF3 format. Requires
a BiotypeMapper in order to translate biotypes to SO terms.
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::GFFSerializer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper;
use URI::Escape;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer);
my %strand_conversion = ( '1' => '+', '0' => '?', '-1' => '-');
=head2 new
Arg [1] : BiotypeMapper
Arg [2] : Optional File handle
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
mapper => shift,
filehandle => shift,
bless $self, $class;
if ( ref($self->mapper) ne "Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper" ) {
throw("GFF format requires an instance of Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper to function");
if (!defined ($self->{'filehandle'})) {
# no file handle, let the handle point to a copy of STDOUT instead
open $self->{'filehandle'}, ">&STDOUT";
$self->{'stdout'} = 1;
return $self;
=head2 print_feature
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature, subclass or related pseudo-feature
Example : $reporter->print_feature($feature,$slice_start_coordinate,"X")
Description: Asks a feature for its summary, and generates a GFF3 compliant entry to hand back again
Additional attributes are handed through to column 9 of the output using exact spelling
and capitalisation of the feature-supplied hash.
Returntype : none
sub print_feature {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
my $biotype_mapper = $self->{'mapper'};
my $text_buffer = "";
if ($feature->can('summary_as_hash') ) {
my %summary = %{$feature->summary_as_hash};
my $row = "";
# Column 1 - seqname, the name of the sequence/chromosome the feature is on. Landmark for start below
if (!defined($summary{'seq_region_name'})) {$summary{'seq_region_name'} = "?";}
$row .= $summary{'seq_region_name'}."\t";
# Column 2 - source, complicated with Ensembl not being the originator of all data
$row .= "EnsEMBL\t";
# Column 3 - feature, the ontology term for the kind of feature this row is
my $so_term = $biotype_mapper->translate_feature_to_SO_term($feature);
$row .= $so_term."\t";
# Column 4 - start, the start coordinate of the feature, here shifted to chromosomal coordinates
# Start and end must be in ascending order for GFF. Circular genomes require the length of
# the circuit to be added on.
if ($summary{'start'} > $summary{'end'}) {
#assumes this is not a Compara circular sequence and can treat is as a Feature
if ($feature->slice() && $feature->slice()->is_circular() ) {
$summary{'end'} = $summary{'end'} + $feature->seq_region_length;
# non-circular, but end still before start
else {$summary{'end'} = $summary{'start'};}
$row .= $summary{'start'} . "\t";
# Column 5 - end, coordinates (absolute) for the end of this feature
$row .= $summary{'end'} . "\t";
# Column 6 - score, for variations only.
if (exists($summary{'score'})) {
$row .= $summary{'score'}."\t";
else {
$row .= ".\t";
# Column 7 - strand, up or down
if (exists($summary{'strand'})) {
$row .= $strand_conversion{$summary{'strand'}}."\t";
else {
$row .= ".\t";
# Column 8 - reading frame, necessary only for Exons
$row .= ".\t";
# Column 9 - the 'other' section for all GFF and GVF compliant attributes
# We include Stable ID and biotype where possible to supplement the information in the other columns
delete $summary{'seq_region_start'};
delete $summary{'seq_region_name'};
delete $summary{'start'};
delete $summary{'end'};
delete $summary{'strand'};
delete $summary{'score'};
# Slice the hash for specific keys in GFF-friendly order
my @ordered_keys = qw(ID Name Alias Parent Target Gap Derives_from Note Dbxref Ontology_term Is_circular);
my @ordered_values = @summary{@ordered_keys};
while (my $key = shift @ordered_keys) {
my $value = shift @ordered_values;
if ($value) {
$row .= $key."=".uri_escape($value,'\t\n\r;=%&,').";";
delete $summary{$key};
# Catch the remaining keys, containing whatever else the Feature provided
foreach my $attribute ( keys(%summary)) {
if (ref $summary{$attribute} eq "ARRAY") {
$row .= $attribute."=".join (',',@{$summary{$attribute}}) . ";"
else {
if ($summary{$attribute}) { $row .= $attribute."=".uri_escape($summary{$attribute},'\t\n\r;=%&,') . ";"; }
# trim off any trailing commas left by the ordered keys stage above:
$text_buffer .= $row."\n";
else {
warning("Feature failed to self-summarise");
#filehandle is inherited
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
print $fh $text_buffer;
=head2 print_main_header
Arg [1] : Arrayref of slices going into the file.
Description: Printing the header text or metadata required for GFF,
using a list of slices to be written
Returntype : None
sub print_main_header {
my $self = shift;
my $arrayref_of_slices = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
print $fh "##gff-version 3\n";
foreach my $slice (@{$arrayref_of_slices}) {
if (not defined($slice)) { warning("Slice not defined.\n"); return;}
print $fh "##sequence-region ",$slice->seq_region_name," ",$slice->start," ",$slice->end,"\n";
sub print_metadata {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
print $fh "\n# ".$text."\n";
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2011 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 NAME
Report Serializer - generating textual summary reports
=head1 AUTHOR
Kieron Taylor, 2011 -
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::ReportSerializer;
use IO::File;
my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
$output_fh = IO::File->new($config{'output'},'w') or die;
$serializer = new ReportSerializer($output_fh);
my $slice_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Human', 'Core', 'Slice' );
my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_toplevel_location("6:1000000..1500000");
Subclass of Serializer that can turn a feature into a text block
Unsuited to very large slices, because it requires a select-all approach for features.
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::ReportSerializer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use URI::Escape;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer);
my %strand_conversion = ( '1' => '+', '0' => '?', '-1' => '-');
my %feature_conversion = ( 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene' => 'Gene',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript' => 'Transcript',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation' => 'Translation',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::StructuralVariationFeature' => 'Structural Variation',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature' => 'Variation',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::RegulatoryFeature' => 'Regulatory Feature',
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConstrainedElement' => 'Constrained Element',
# Hash for selecting the correct attributes of unseen features for crude summary. This hash is
# for fallback behaviour, slicing summary hashes for a limited set of values.
my %printables = (
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene' => ['ID','biotype','start','end'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript' => ['ID','start','end'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation' => ['ID'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature' => ['ID','start','end','strand','seq_region_name'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::StructuralVariationFeature' => ['ID','start','end','strand','seq_region_name'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::RegulatoryFeature' => ['ID','start','end','strand'],
'Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConstrainedElement' => ['ID','start','end','strand','seq_region_name'],
=head2 print_feature
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature, subclass or related pseudo-feature
Example : $reporter->print_feature($feature,$slice_start_coordinate,"X")
sub print_feature {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
my $feature_type = ref($feature);
if ($feature->can('summary_as_hash') ) {
my %summary = %{$feature->summary_as_hash};
my @values = @summary{ @{$printables{$feature_type}} };
print $fh join(',',@values)."\n";
else {
warning("Feature failed to self-summarise");
=head2 print_feature_list
Arg [1] : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature, subclass or related pseudo-feature
Description: Relies on a list of similar features to print in a block together.
Overrides superclass method
Results are truncated after the first 100 features for brevity.
Example : $reporter->print_feature_list(\@features);
sub print_feature_list {
my $self = shift;
my $feature_list = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
my $example_feature = $feature_list->[0];
my $feature_type = ref($example_feature);
my $feature_count = 0;
unless (defined $feature_type) {$feature_type = "Feature"};
print $fh "There are ",scalar(@$feature_list)," ",$feature_conversion{$feature_type},(scalar(@$feature_list) != 1) ? "s":""," in this region\n";
if (scalar(@$feature_list) > 100 ) { print $fh "Too many to display, results truncated to the first 100\n";}
print $fh "\n";
foreach my $feature (@$feature_list) {
my %attributes = %{$feature->summary_as_hash};
if ($feature_count == 100) {last;}
# Begin the feature-specific formatting code
if ($feature_type eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene") {
print $fh "\tGene ".$feature_count.": ".$attributes{'external_name'}.",".$attributes{'ID'}."\n";
print $fh "\tBiotype: ".$attributes{'biotype'}."\n";
print $fh "\tLocation: ".$attributes{'start'}."-".$attributes{'end'}." bp\n\n";
print $fh "\tTranscripts and proteins\n";
foreach my $transcript (@{$feature->get_all_Transcripts}) {
my %tr_summary = %{$transcript->summary_as_hash};
print $fh "\t\t ".$tr_summary{'ID'};
my $translation = $transcript->translation;
if (defined $translation) {
my %pr_summary = %{$translation->summary_as_hash};
print $fh " - ".$pr_summary{'ID'}."\n\n";
else {print $fh " - no protein\n\n";}
print $fh "\n";
elsif ($feature_type eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::RegulatoryFeature") {
print $fh "\t".$attributes{'ID'}."\n";
elsif ($feature_type eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConstrainedElement") {
print $fh "\t".$attributes{'start'}."-".$attributes{'end'}."\n";
elsif ( $feature_type eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::StructuralVariationFeature"
or $feature_type eq "Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature") {
print $fh "\tID: ".$attributes{'ID'}." Position: ".
$attributes{'start'}."-".$attributes{'end'}." on strand ".$attributes{'strand'}." \n";
else {
# slice favourite values out unformatted.
my @values = @attributes{ @{$printables{$feature_type}} };
print $fh $feature_type.join(',',@values)."\n";
# Just print individuals without awareness of list size and position.
sub print_feature_iterator {
my $self = shift;
my $feature_iterator = shift;
while ($feature_iterator->has_next) {
my $feature = $feature_iterator->next;
=head2 print_main_header
Arg [1] : Arrayref of slices going into the file.
Description: Printing the header text for this report
Requires a slice list in order to report how many will be printed
Returntype : None
sub print_main_header {
my $self = shift;
my $arrayref_of_slices = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
my $regions = scalar @{$arrayref_of_slices};
print $fh "Report for $regions region";
if ($regions > 1) { print $fh "s";}
print $fh "\n\n";
=head2 print_section_header
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Description: Prints a summary of the slice
Intended to be used prior to print_feature_list()
Returntype : None
sub print_section_header {
my $self = shift;
my $slice = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
print $fh " Region: ",$slice->seq_region_name," ",$slice->start,"-",$slice->end," bp\n\n";
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2011 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 NAME
Serializer - An abstract serializer for turning EnsEMBL data into other formats
=head1 AUTHOR
Kieron Taylor, 2011 -
my $serializer = new Serializer( $filehandle );
$serializer->print_feature_list( \@list_of_features );
Subclass this class to create a format-specific serializer.
Be sure to implement print_feature at the bare minimum
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SeqDumper;
=head2 new
Arg [1] : Optional File handle
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::Serializer
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
'filehandle' => shift,
bless $self, $class;
if (!defined ($self->{'filehandle'})) {
# no file handle, let the handle point to a copy of STDOUT instead
open $self->{'filehandle'}, ">&STDOUT";
$self->{'stdout'} = 1;
return $self;
=head2 DESTROY
Description: Restores default state of the STDOUT filehandle as it is a copy
and may not flush correctly.
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'stdout'}) {
close $self->{'filehandle'};
sub print_feature {
throw( "print_feature method not implemented.");
=head2 print_feature_list
Arg [1] : Listref of features
Description: Run print_feature on every feature in the list
sub print_feature_list {
my $self = shift;
my $feature_list = shift;
if (ref($feature_list) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $feature (@{$feature_list}) {
else {
throw( "print_feature_list requires a listref as argument" );
=head2 print_feature_Iterator
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Iterator
Description: Automatically spools through an iterator for convenience
Returntype : None
sub print_feature_Iterator {
my $self = shift;
my $iterator = shift;
if ($iterator->can('has_next')) {
$iterator->each(sub {$self->print_feature($_)});
else {
throw("Supplied iterator does not look like Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Iterator");
=head2 print_metadata
Arg [1] : String
Description: Pipes a custom string into the filehandle that the serializer is using
sub print_metadata {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
print $fh "\n".$text."\n";
=head2 print_main_header
Arg [1] : Arrayref of slices going into the file.
Description: Printing the header text or metadata required for this file format,
Re-implement in the serializer.
Returntype : None
sub print_main_header {
my $self = shift;
# my $arrayref_of_slices = shift;
# my $fh = $self->{'filehandle'};
warning("No writer for headers in this format. Nothing done" );
=head2 print_sequence
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Description: By default, prints a block of FASTA format sequence from the given slice
sub print_sequence {
my $self = shift;
my $slice = shift;
print "##FASTA\n";
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SeqDumper->dump( $slice, 'FASTA', $self->{'filehandle'});
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