</code></pre><h3id="UsingadifferentSCPuseridentity">Using a different SCP user & identity:</h3><pre><code> init_pipeline.pl Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::PipeConfig::FASTA_conf \
</code></pre><h2id="RunningthePipeline">Running the Pipeline</h2><ol><li>Start a screen session or get ready to run the beekeeper with a <code>nohup</code></li><li>Choose a dump location<ul><li>A fasta, blast and blat directory will be created 1 level below</li></ul></li><li>Use an <code>init_pipeline.pl</code> configuration from above<ul><li>Make sure to give it the <code>-base_path</code> parameter</li></ul></li><li>Sync the database using one of the displayed from <code>init_pipeline.pl</code></li><li>Run the pipeline in a loop with a good sleep between submissions and redirect log output (the following assumes you are using <strong>bash</strong>)<ul><li><code>2>&1</code> is important as this clobbers STDERR into STDOUT</li><li><code>> my_run.log</code> then sends the output to this file. Use <code>tail -f</code> to track the pipeline</li></ul></li><li><code>beekeeper.pl -url mysql://usr:pass@server:port/db -reg_conf reg.pm -loop -sleep 5 2>&1 > my_run.log &</code></li><li>Wait</li></ol></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
</code></pre><h2id="RunningthePipeline">Running the Pipeline</h2><ol><li>Start a screen session or get ready to run the beekeeper with a <code>nohup</code></li><li>Choose a dump location<ul><li>A fasta, blast and blat directory will be created 1 level below</li></ul></li><li>Use an <code>init_pipeline.pl</code> configuration from above<ul><li>Make sure to give it the <code>-base_path</code> parameter</li></ul></li><li>Sync the database using one of the displayed from <code>init_pipeline.pl</code></li><li>Run the pipeline in a loop with a good sleep between submissions and redirect log output (the following assumes you are using <strong>bash</strong>)<ul><li><code>2>&1</code> is important as this clobbers STDERR into STDOUT</li><li><code>> my_run.log</code> then sends the output to this file. Use <code>tail -f</code> to track the pipeline</li></ul></li><li><code>beekeeper.pl -url mysql://usr:pass@server:port/db -reg_conf reg.pm -loop -sleep 5 2>&1 > my_run.log &</code></li><li>Wait</li></ol><h2id="ButIDontWantaPipeline">But I Don’t Want a Pipeline</h2><p>Hive gives us the ability to run any Process outside of a database pipeline <br/>run using <code>standaloneJob.pl</code>. We will list some useful commands to run</p><h3id="RunningDNADumping">Running DNA Dumping</h3><pre><code> standaloneJob.pl Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::FASTA::DumpFile \