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Commit a5c5d208 authored by Eduardo Eyras's avatar Eduardo Eyras
Browse files

module with some methods to convert gff into ensembl exons

parent fdfd4dd6
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# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::GFF2Exon;
my $gff = GFF2Exon->new(-gff_version => 2);
my $exon = $gff->exon_from_gff( $gff_string );
# Let the code begin...
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::GFF2Exon;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Root;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root);
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
my ($gff_version) = $self->_rearrange([qw(GFF_VERSION)],@args);
if(($gff_version != 1) && ($gff_version != 2)) {
$self->throw("unknown version: $gff_version");
return $self;
=head2 exon_from_gff
Usage : my $exon = $gff->exon_from_gff_string($gff_string);
Function: Sets properties of an exon object from a GFF-formatted
string. Interpretation of the string depends on the version
that has been specified at initialization.
Args : The GFF-formatted string
sub exon_from_gff {
my ($self, $gff_string, $trans_hash ) = @_;
if($self->gff_version() == 1) {
return $self->_from_gff1_string($gff_string, $trans_hash);
return $self->_from_gff2_string($gff_string, $trans_hash);
=head2 _from_gff1_string
Returns : Exon
Args : The GFF-formatted string to initialize it from
sub _from_gff1_string {
my ($self, $gffstring, $trans_hash) = @_;
#print STDERR "gff_string: $gffstring\n";
#39896 human_cdna exon 1030942 1031591 100 + 0 6604
#39897 human_cdna exon 1034227 1034285 100 + 0 6604
#39898 human_cdna exon 1035280 1035339 100 + 0 6604
#39899 human_cdna exon 1035741 1035820 100 + 0 6604
#39900 human_cdna exon 1036477 1036629 100 + 0 6604
#243299 human_cdna exon 1037161 1037229 100 + 0 40150
#243301 human_cdna exon 1043180 1043315 100 + 0 40150
#243303 human_cdna exon 1048194 1048340 100 + 0 40150
#243305 human_cdna exon 1053724 1053855 100 + 0 40150
#243307 human_cdna exon 1054346 1054451 100 + 0 40150
#243309 human_cdna exon 1055667 1055833 100 + 0 40150
#243310 human_cdna exon 1057048 1057221 100 + 0 40150
#243311 human_cdna exon 1058529 1058630 100 + 0 40150
#243313 human_cdna exon 1061487 1062080 100 + 0 40150
my ($seqname,
= split(/\s+/, $gffstring);
if ( !defined $frame ) {
$self->throw("[$gffstring] does not look like GFF to me");
$frame = 0 unless( $frame =~ /^\d+$/);
my $exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new();
my $phase = ( 3 - $frame )%3;
$exon->end_phase( ( $exon->phase + $exon->length)%3 );
if ( $score ){
$exon->score( $score );
if ( $strand eq '-' ) { $exon->strand(-1); }
if ( $strand eq '+' ) { $exon->strand(1); }
if ( $strand eq '.' ) { $exon->strand(0); }
# warning: it parses only the first element of the group
$trans_hash->{ $exon } = $group[0];
return $exon;
=head2 _from_gff2_string
Returns : Exon
Args : The GFF2-formatted string to initialize it from
sub _from_gff2_string {
my ($self, $gffstring) = @_;
# according to the Sanger website, GFF2 should be single-tab separated elements, and the
# free-text at the end should contain text-translated tab symbols but no "real" tabs,
# so splitting on \t is safe, and $attribs gets the
# entire attributes field to be parsed later
my ($seqname, $source, $primary, $start, $end, $score, $strand, $frame, @attribs)
= split(/\t+/, $gffstring);
# just in case the rule against tab characters has been broken
my $attribs = join '', @attribs;
if ( !defined $frame ) {
$self->throw("[$gffstring] does not look like GFF2 to me");
my $exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new();
$exon->end_phase( ( $exon->phase + $exon->length)%3 );
if ( $score eq '.' ) {
} else {
if ( $strand eq '-' ) { $exon->strand(-1); }
if ( $strand eq '+' ) { $exon->strand(1); }
if ( $strand eq '.' ) { $exon->strand(0); }
# <Begin Inefficient Code from Mark Wilkinson>
# this routine is necessay to allow the presence of semicolons in quoted text
# Semicolons are the delimiting character for new tag/value attributes.
# it is more or less a "state" machine, with the "quoted" flag going up and down
# as we pass thorugh quotes to distinguish free-text semicolon and hash
# symbols from GFF control characters
# remove comments field (format: #blah blah blah... at the end of the GFF line)
#$attribs =~ s/\#(.*)$//;
#my @att = split //, $attribs; # split into individual characters
#my $num = $#att; # count them
#my $flag = 0;
#my @parsed; # this is needed to hold the characters that have been parsed
# run through each character one at a time and check it
#for (my $a = 0; $a <= $num ; $a +=1){
# if ($att[$a] eq "\""){$flag=($flag==0)?1:0} # flag up on entering quoted text, down on leaving it
# if (($att[$a] eq ";") && $flag){$att[$a] = "INSERT_SEMICOLON_HERE"} # replace semicolon with an unusual message if the quoted text flag is up
# if (($att[$a] eq "#") && !$flag){last} # an unquoted hash symbol means the beginning of the comments field - discard
# push @parsed, $att[$a] # take the parsed character and push it onto the parsed list
# }
#$attribs = join "", @parsed; # rejoin into a single string
# <End Inefficient Code> Please feel free to fix this and make it more "perlish"
# my @key_vals = split /;/, $attribs; # attributes are semicolon-delimited
# foreach my $pair ( @key_vals ) {
# $pair =~ s/INSERT_SEMICOLON_HERE/;/g; # replace semicolons that were removed from free-text above.
# my ($blank, $key, $values) = split /^\s*([\w\d]+)\s/, $pair; # separate the key from the value
# my @values;
# while ($values =~ s/"(.*?)"//){ # free text is quoted, so match each free-text block
# if ($1){push @values, $1}; # and push it on to the list of values (tags may have more than one value...)
# my @othervals = split /\s+/, $values; # and what is left over should be space-separated non-free-text values
# foreach my $othervalue(@othervals){
# if (CORE::length($othervalue) > 0){push @values, $othervalue} # get rid of any empty strings which might result from the split
# }
# foreach my $value(@values){
# $exon->add_tag_value($key, $value);
# }
# }
return $exon;
=head2 gff_string
sub gff_string{
my ($self, $exon,$transcript) = @_;
if($self->gff_version() == 1) {
return $self->_gff1_string($exon,$transcript);
} else {
return $self->_gff2_string($exon,$transcript);
=head2 _gff1_string
sub _gff1_string{
my ($self, $exon, $transcript) = @_;
my ($str,$source,$primary_tag,$score,$frame,$name,$strand);
if( $exon->can('score') ) {
$score = $exon->score();
$score = '.' unless defined $score;
if( $exon->can('frame') ) {
$frame = $exon->frame();
$frame = '.' unless defined $frame;
$strand = $exon->strand();
if(! $strand) {
$strand = ".";
} elsif( $strand == 1 ) {
$strand = '+';
} elsif ( $exon->strand == -1 ) {
$strand = '-';
$name = $exon->seqname();
$source = "merged";
$primary_tag = "exon";
$str = join("\t",
my $tag_str = $transcript->type;
$str .= "\t$tag_str";
return $str;
=head2 _gff2_string
sub _gff2_string{
my ($gff, $exon) = @_;
my ($str,$score,$frame,$name,$strand);
if( $exon->can('score') ) {
$score = $exon->score();
$score = '.' unless defined $score;
if( $exon->can('frame') ) {
$frame = $exon->frame();
$frame = '.' unless defined $frame;
$strand = $exon->strand();
if(! $strand) {
$strand = ".";
} elsif( $strand == 1 ) {
$strand = '+';
} elsif ( $exon->strand == -1 ) {
$strand = '-';
if( $exon->can('seqname') ) {
$name = $exon->seqname();
$name ||= 'SEQ';
} else {
$name = 'SEQ';
$str = join("\t",
# the routine below is the only modification I made to the original
# ->gff_string routine (above) as on November 17th, 2000, the
# Sanger webpage describing GFF2 format reads: "From version 2
# onwards, the attribute field must have a tag value structure
# following the syntax used within objects in a .ace file,
# flattened onto one line by semicolon separators. Tags must be
# standard identifiers ([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*). Free text values
# must be quoted with double quotes".
# MW
#my $valuestr;
#if ($exon->all_tags){ # only play this game if it is worth playing...
# $str .= "\t"; # my interpretation of the GFF2 specification suggests the need for this additional TAB character...??
# foreach my $tag ( $exon->all_tags ) {
# my $valuestr; # a string which will hold one or more values for this tag, with quoted free text and space-separated individual values.
# foreach my $value ( $exon->each_tag_value($tag) ) {
# if ($value =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]/){
# $value =~ s/\t/\\t/g; # substitute tab and newline characters
# $value =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # to their UNIX equivalents
# $value = '"' . $value . '" '} # if the value contains anything other than valid tag/value characters, then quote it
# $valuestr .= $value . " "; # with a trailing space in case there are multiple values
# # for this tag (allowed in GFF2 and .ace format)
# }
# $str .= "$tag $valuestr ; "; # semicolon delimited with no '=' sign
# }
# chop $str; chop $str # remove the trailing semicolon and space
# }
return $str;
=head2 gff_version
sub gff_version {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value && (($value == 1) || ($value == 2))) {
$self->{'GFF_VERSION'} = $value;
return $self->{'GFF_VERSION'};
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