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Commit b1cb75f4 authored by Jan-hinnerk Vogel's avatar Jan-hinnerk Vogel
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script debugged and modified to produce gene, exon,transcript-and translation stable_ids
with correct prefixes . -start option modified !
parent 72a6bf77
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......@@ -4,38 +4,51 @@
use strict;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
my $port = 3306 ;
my ($host, $dbname, $user, $pass, @types, $start, $verbose );
my ($host, $port, $dbname, $user, $pass, @types, $start);
GetOptions('user=s' => \$user,
'pass=s' => \$pass,
'host=s' => \$host,
'port=i' => \$port,
GetOptions('dbuser|user=s' => \$user,
'dbpass|pass=s' => \$pass,
'dbhost|host=s' => \$host,
'dbport|port=i' => \$port,
'dbname=s' => \$dbname,
'types=s' => \@types,
'start=s' => \$start,
'help' => sub { usage(); exit(0); });
'start=s' => \$start, # USE ENS000001 or ENS for human, ENSMUS00001 or ENSMUS for mouse etc
# don't add G/T/E/P for specific types !!!
'help' => sub { usage(); exit(0); },
'verbose!' => $verbose
@types = ('gene','transcript','translation','exon') if (!@types);
@types = split(/,/,join(',',@types));
if (!$user || !$host || !$dbname || !@types) {
if (!$user || !$host || !$dbname || !@types) {
my $dbi = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:host=$host:port=$port;database=$dbname", $user, $pass,
{'RaiseError' => 1}) || die "Can't connect to database\n";
foreach my $type (@types) {
my $table = $type . "_stable_id";
my $sth;
# get starting stable ID, either specified or current max
my $new_stable_id = $start ? $start : get_highest_stable_id($dbi, $type);
my $new_stable_id;
if ($start) {
$new_stable_id = $start;
} else {
$new_stable_id = get_highest_stable_id($dbi, $type ) ;
print "Highest, pruned $type\_stable_id found : $new_stable_id \n" if $verbose ;
# get timestamp so all new stable IDs have the same created/modified dates
$sth = $dbi->prepare("SELECT NOW()");
......@@ -53,77 +66,206 @@ foreach my $type (@types) {
$sth = $dbi->prepare($sql);
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$new_stable_id = increment_stable_id($new_stable_id);
print "INSERT INTO $table VALUES($row[0],\'$new_stable_id\',1,\'$ts\',\'$ts\');\n";
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
($new_stable_id,my $nis) = @{increment_stable_id($new_stable_id,$type)};
print "INSERT INTO $table VALUES($row[0],\'$nis\',1,\'$ts\',\'$ts\');\n";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub increment_stable_id {
my $stable_id = shift;
my $type = shift ;
my ($prefix, $suffix) ;
# check stable_id format ...
if ( $stable_id =~m/([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)/ ){
($prefix,$suffix) = $stable_id =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)/;
} elsif( $stable_id =~m/([a-zA-Z]+)/){
$prefix = $stable_id ;
}else {
die "unrecongnized stable_id format - should match ([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+) or ([a-zA-Z]+) !!\n";
my $new_sid;
if ($type=~m/gene/){
} elsif ($type=~m/transcript/){
} elsif ($type=~m/translation/){
} elsif ($type=~m/exon/){
my $new_stable_id = sprintf "%s%011d", $new_sid , $suffix+1 ;
my ($prefix,$suffix) = $stable_id =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)/;
return sprintf "%s%011d", $prefix, $suffix+1;
my $old = sprintf "%s%011d", $prefix, $suffix+1 ;
#return [$old, $new_stable_id] ;
my @tmp;
push @tmp, $old ;
push @tmp, $new_stable_id ;
return \@tmp ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_max_stable_id_from_gene_archive {
my ($dbi, $type) = @_;
sub get_highest_stable_id {
# try to get from relevant archive
my $sth = $dbi->prepare("SELECT MAX($type) FROM gene_archive");
my $rs ;
if (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
$rs = $row[0];
if (length($rs)> 0 ) {
return $rs ;
} else {
print STDERR "no entry for $type found in gene_archive table - returning undef\n" ;
return undef ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub get_highest_stable_id {
my ($dbi, $type) = @_;
my $sid = $type . "_stable_id";
my ($highest_from_current, $highest_from_archive);
# get highest stable ID from the relevant table
# get highest stable ID from the relevant table
my $sth = $dbi->prepare("SELECT MAX(stable_id) FROM $sid");
if (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$highest_from_current = $row[0];
} else {
die "Can't get max $type stable ID from $sid\n";
return $highest_from_current if ($type eq "exon");
# and from relevant archive
$sth = $dbi->prepare("SELECT MAX($sid) FROM gene_archive");
if (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$highest_from_archive = $row[0];
} else {
die "Can't get max $type stable ID from gene_archive\n";
if (length($highest_from_current) == 0 ) {
print STDERR " Warning ! length of stable_id for $type is zero \n" ;
if ($type eq "exon"){
# Archive doesn't store information about exon_stable_ids so try without archive first ...
if ( length($highest_from_current) == 0 ) {
print ("\nWARNING:\n No exon_stable_id for exon found ( exon_stable_id_table empty)\n".
" I got no prefix to generate new stable_ids for type $type!!! - i try to use gene_archive now\n") ;
my $max = get_max_stable_id_from_gene_archive($dbi, "gene_stable_id") ;
my $prefix ;
if ( length($max) > 0 ){
($prefix, my $suffix) = $max =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)/;
}else {
die ("ERROR : No entries in TABLE exon_stable_id and TABLE gene_archive found\n" .
" Don't know which species prefix to use for species \n") ;
$highest_from_current = sprintf "%s%011d", $prefix, 0;
return $highest_from_current ;
my $max = ($highest_from_current ge $highest_from_archive) ? $highest_from_current : $highest_from_archive;
# and from relevant archive
$highest_from_archive = get_max_stable_id_from_gene_archive($dbi, $type."_stable_id") ;
my $max =
($highest_from_current ge $highest_from_archive) ? $highest_from_current : $highest_from_archive;
return $max;
if (length($max)==0){
die ("ERROR : no stable_id in TABLE gene_archive or found in $type\_stable_id - tables\n") ;
# assuming that this is a correctly formatted stable id -> remove the G / T / P / E for exon etc.
my ($prefix,$suffix) = $max =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)/;
if ($type =~m/exon/){
}elsif ($type =~m/gene/){
}elsif ($type =~m/transcript/){
}elsif ($type =~m/translation/){
return $prefix. $suffix;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub usage {
print << "EOF"; -user {user} -pass {password} -host {host} -port {port} -dbname {database} -types {gene,exon,transcript,translation} -start {first stable ID}
USAGE : -dbuser|user {user}
-dbpass|pass {password}
-dbhost|host {host}
-dbport|port {port}
-dbname {database}
-types {gene,exon,transcript,translation}
-start {first stable ID}
Argument to -types is a comma-separated list of types of stable IDs to be produced.
If the -types argument is ommitted, stable IDs are generated for all types (gene,transcript,translation,exon).
Assigns stable IDs to objects that currently have none. Starting stable ID is found by incrementing the highest current stable ID for that type *or* by using -start argument.
Assigns stable IDs to objects that currently have none. Starting stable ID is found by incrementing the highest
current stable ID for that type *or* by using -start argument. The stable_ids are written to STDOUT. If no -start
option is used the script tries to find the max. given stable_id for each object by looking up the <OBJ>_stable_id
tables in the database and the gene_archive table ( only for gene,translation and transcript, not for exon-stable-ids!)
Note :
-start option requires to not submit an initial stable_id without any Gene/Transcript/Exon/Translation ending, like
ENSMUS000001 ( not ENSMUSG0001 than you end up with stable-ids like ENSMUSGG001 ENSMUSGT0001...) !
the parameter to -start should be the stable ID you wish to start from without the Gene/Transcript/Translation/Exon identifier
Examples :
- to generate only Exon-stable-ids starting with 223 for Mouse, use
-start ENSMUS222 -types exon
- to generate Exon-and Gene-stable-ids starting with 223 for Mouse, use
-start ENSMUS222 -types exon,gene
- to generate exon,transcript,translation and gene-stable-ids for Human starting, which all start with ID 666 use
-start ENS665
Note if -start is used you must generate gene, transcript, exon and translation stable IDs separately in order to specify the correct prefix for each.
- to generate a whole new set of stable_ids ( exon,transcript, translation, gene ) starting with 1 for an organism with
prefix ENSNEW you can use one of the following options :
-start ENSNEW0 <or>
-start ENSNEW0 <or>
-start ENSNEW00000000
The parameter to -start should be the stable ID you wish to start from, e.g. ENSG00000000001 as this is used to obtain the prefix (e.g. ENSG).
Produces SQL which can be run against the target database.
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