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Commit bde1975e authored by Monika Komorowska's avatar Monika Komorowska
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produce stats on the quality of feature mapping between two assemblies

parent 8621c257
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=head1 [arguments]
Produce statistics on the quality of feature mappings between two different assemblies.
Feature mappings need to be loaded first using script
Sample config file: test_assembly_mapping.ini.example
Required arguments:
--host=HOST test database host HOST
--port=PORT test database port PORT
--user=USER test database username USER
--pass=PASS test database passwort PASS
--dbname=NAME test database name NAME
Optional arguments:
--conffile=filename read parameters from FILE
(default: conf/Conversion.ini)
--logfile, --log=FILE log to FILE (default: *STDOUT)
--logpath=PATH write logfile to PATH (default: .)
--logappend, --log_append append to logfile (default: truncate)
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use vars qw($SERVERROOT);
$SERVERROOT = "$Bin/../";
$| = 1;
my $support = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport($SERVERROOT);
# parse options
$support->allowed_params(qw(dbname host port user pass conffile logfile logpath logappend));
if ($support->param('help') or $support->error) {
warn $support->error if $support->error;
# ask user to confirm parameters to proceed
# get log filehandle and print heading and parameters to logfile
$support->check_required_params(qw(dbname host port user));
my ($dba, $dbh, $sql, $sth);
$dbh = $support->get_dbconnection();
my %mapping_quality = ( 1 => 'with gaps',
2 => 'without gaps');
#get chromosomes
my @chrs = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select distinct old_chr from mapping order by old_chr+0")};
foreach my $chr (@chrs) {
my @feature_types = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select distinct feature_type from mapping where old_chr = '". $chr . "' order by feature_type")};
foreach my $feature_type (@feature_types) {
$support->log_stamped("processing $feature_type mappings for chromosome $chr\n\n",1);
#count all features in the old db
$sql = "select count(1) from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "'";
my ($total_features_old) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
#count all features both in the old and new db
$sql = "select count(1) from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1";
my ($total_features_old_new) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
my $perc_features = ($total_features_old_new/$total_features_old) * 100;
$perc_features = sprintf "%.2f", $perc_features;
$support->log_stamped("$total_features_old_new $feature_type" . "s found in both old and new assembly dbs ($perc_features\% in old assembly db found in new db)\n\n", 1);
#count features which have the same length in the new db
$sql = "select count(1) from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1 and old_length = new_length";
my ($total_same_length) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
my $ok_mappings_1 = 0;
my $perc_mappings_1 = 0;
if ($total_same_length > 0) {
#count mappings where start and end match feature location in the new db by mapping quality (1-contains gaps, 2 - no gaps
$support->log_stamped("$total_same_length $feature_type" . "s where feature length in the old assembly db is the same as in the new assembly db\n\n", 2);
$sql = "select count(1) as mapping_count,mapping_quality from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1 and old_length = new_length and new_start = mapping_start and new_end = mapping_end and (new_strand = mapping_strands or mapping_strands = 'both') and (mapping_chrs = new_chr or mapping_chrs like concat(new_chr,',%')) group by mapping_quality";
my %mapping_counts = %{$dbh->selectall_hashref($sql,"mapping_quality")};
my $ok_mappings = 0;
foreach my $mapping_q (keys %mapping_counts) {
my $perc = ($mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'}/$total_same_length) * 100;
$perc = sprintf "%.2f", $perc;
$support->log_stamped("$mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'} $feature_type mappings $mapping_quality{$mapping_q} where feature length in the old assembly db is the same as in the new assembly db and mapping start and end matchfeature location in the new db ($perc\%)\n\n", 3);
$ok_mappings += $mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'};
$ok_mappings_1 += $ok_mappings;
my $perc_mappings = ($ok_mappings/$total_same_length) * 100;
$perc_mappings = sprintf "%.2f", $perc_mappings;
$support->log_stamped("total: $ok_mappings ok $feature_type mappings ($perc_mappings\%):\n\n", 3);
} else {
$support->log_stamped("no $feature_type" . "s found for chromosome $chr where feature length in the old assembly db is the same as in the new assembly db\n\n", 2);
$sql = "select count(1) from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1 and old_length != new_length";
my ($total_diff_length) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
if ($total_diff_length > 0) {
$support->log_stamped("$total_diff_length $feature_type" . "s found for chromosome $chr where feature length in the old assembly db is different than in the new assembly db\n\n", 2);
#count features with different length in the new db where either mapping start or end match new feature start or end respectively, by mapping quality
$sql = "select count(1) as mapping_count,mapping_quality from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1 and old_length != new_length and (new_start = mapping_start or new_end = mapping_end) and (new_strand = mapping_strands or mapping_strands = 'both') and (mapping_chrs = new_chr or mapping_chrs like concat(new_chr,',%')) group by mapping_quality";
my %mapping_counts = %{$dbh->selectall_hashref($sql,"mapping_quality")};
my $ok_mappings = 0;
foreach my $mapping_q (keys %mapping_counts) {
my $perc = ($mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'}/$total_diff_length) * 100;
$perc = sprintf "%.2f", $perc;
$support->log_stamped("$mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'} $feature_type mappings $mapping_quality{$mapping_q} found for chromosome where feature length in the old assembly db is different than in the new assembly db and either mapping start or end matches the gene location in the new db ($perc\%)\n\n", 3);
$ok_mappings += $mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'};
#count features with different length in the new db where either mapping start or end is within the difference between old and new length from the new feature start or end respectively, by mapping quality
$sql = "select count(1) as mapping_count,mapping_quality from mapping where feature_type = '" . $feature_type . "' and feature_found_in_new_db = 1 and old_length != new_length and (abs(new_start - mapping_start) <= abs(new_length - old_length) or abs(new_end - mapping_end) <= abs(new_length - old_length)) and new_start != mapping_start and new_end != mapping_end and (new_strand = mapping_strands or mapping_strands = 'both') and (mapping_chrs = new_chr or mapping_chrs like concat(new_chr,',%')) group by mapping_quality";
%mapping_counts = %{$dbh->selectall_hashref($sql,"mapping_quality")};
foreach my $mapping_q (keys %mapping_counts) {
my $perc = ($mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'}/$total_diff_length) * 100;
$perc = sprintf "%.2f", $perc;
$support->log_stamped("$mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'} $feature_type mappings $mapping_quality{$mapping_q} found for chromosome where feature length in the old assembly db is different than in the new assembly db and either mapping start or end is within the difference between old and new feature length from the new feature start or end, respectively ($perc\%)\n\n", 3);
$ok_mappings += $mapping_counts{$mapping_q}{'mapping_count'};
my $perc_mappings = ($ok_mappings/$total_diff_length) * 100;
$perc_mappings = sprintf "%.2f", $perc_mappings;
$support->log_stamped("total: $ok_mappings ok $feature_type mappings ($perc_mappings\%):\n\n", 3);
$ok_mappings_1 += $ok_mappings;
} else {
$support->log_stamped("no $feature_type" . "s found for chromosome $chr where feature length in the old assembly db is different than in the new assembly db\n\n", 2);
$perc_mappings_1 = ($ok_mappings_1/$total_features_old_new) * 100;
$perc_mappings_1 = sprintf "%.2f", $perc_mappings_1;
$support->log_stamped("total: $ok_mappings_1 ok $feature_type mappings ($perc_mappings_1\%):\n\n", 1);
# finish logfile
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