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Commit c58ddf04 authored by ens-carlos's avatar ens-carlos
Browse files

Moved from sf7 personal directory.

parent 12f65615
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblyExceptionFeatureAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyExceptionFeature;
$| = 1;
my $host = '';
my $user = '';
my $pass = '';
my $port = '';
my $dbname = '';
my @patch_types = ('PATCH_FIX','PATCH_NOVEL');
my $align_by_component;
my $align_non_ident;
my $fix_overlap;
my $new_align_session;
my $check_repeat_masked;
my $out_dir;
my $perl;
my $pipe_path;
my $script;
my $assembly;
&GetOptions( 'dbhost:s' => \$host,
'dbuser:s' => \$user,
'dbname:s' => \$dbname,
'dbpass:s' => \$pass,
'dbport:n' => \$port,
'align_by_component' => \$align_by_component,
'align_non_ident' => \$align_non_ident,
'new_align_session' => \$new_align_session,
'check_repeat_masked' => \$check_repeat_masked,
'fix_overlap' => \$fix_overlap,
'out_dir:s' => \$out_dir,
'perl:s' => \$perl,
'pipeline_path:s' => \$pipe_path,
'assembly:s' => \$assembly);
my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor( -host => $host,
-user => $user,
-pass => $pass,
-port => $port,
-dbname => $dbname );
if((!($align_by_component or $align_non_ident or $fix_overlap or $new_align_session or $check_repeat_masked))){
throw("Must specify one of -align_by_component, -align_non_ident, -new_align_session, -check_repeat_masked or -fix_overlap.\n");
if((!$out_dir) or (!(-d $out_dir))){
throw("Must specify a valid output directory.\n");
throw("Must specify perl path.\n");
throw("Must specify path to ensembl-pipeline.\n");
throw("Must specify assembly i.e. GRCh37.\n");
$script = $pipe_path."/scripts/Finished/assembly/";
if(! -e $script){
throw("Can't find script: ".$script."\n");
$script = $pipe_path."/scripts/Finished/assembly/";
if(! -e $script){
throw("Can't find script: ".$script."\n");
$script = $pipe_path."/scripts/Finished/assembly/";
if(! -e $script){
throw("Can't find script: ".$script."\n");
$script = $pipe_path."/scripts/Finished/assembly/";
if(! -e $script){
throw("Can't find script: ".$script."\n");
$script = $pipe_path."/scripts/Finished/assembly/";
if(! -e $script){
throw("Can't find script: ".$script."\n");
#get the patches
print "Getting patches...\n";
my $asm_exc_adaptor = $db->get_AssemblyExceptionFeatureAdaptor();
my @exceptions = @{$asm_exc_adaptor->fetch_all()};
my @patches;
EXC: foreach my $exc (@exceptions){
foreach my $type (@patch_types){
if($exc->type() =~ m/$type/){
push(@patches, $exc);
next EXC;
#Assuming that AssemblyExceptionFeatureAdaptor's fetch_all will always return two
#entries for each patch and that those two entries are adjacent
my $num_patches = scalar(@patches)/2;
print "Have ".$num_patches." patches.\n";
my $command = "";
my @ref_chroms;
my @patch_chroms;
#for each patch
for (my $i = 0;$i < $num_patches;$i++){
#get the two slices
my $ref_slice;
my $patch_slice;
for(my $j = 0;$j < 2; $j++){
my $exc = pop(@patches);
#if this is the ref version
if($exc->type =~ m/REF/){
#alt is only the patch slice
$patch_slice = $exc->alternate_slice();
#alt is replaced region of ref
$ref_slice = $exc->alternate_slice();
if(!($patch_slice and $ref_slice)){
throw("Something is wrong, the patch and ref slices were not set correctly.\n");
print "Reached ".$patch_slice->name()." and ".$ref_slice->name()."\n";
#running for all patches together below
if($align_by_component or $fix_overlap or $new_align_session or $check_repeat_masked){
push @ref_chroms, $ref_slice->seq_region_name;
push @patch_chroms, $patch_slice->seq_region_name;
#run for each patch
$command = "bsub -R'select[mem>4000] rusage[mem=4000]' -M4000000 -o ".$out_dir.$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.out -e ".
$out_dir.$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.err ".
$perl." ".$script." --dbhost ".$host." --dbport ".$port." --dbuser ".$user." --dbpass ".$pass." --dbname ".$dbname.
" --assembly ".$assembly." --altdbname ".$dbname." --altassembly ".$assembly." --chromosomes ".$ref_slice->seq_region_name.
" --altchromosomes ".$patch_slice->seq_region_name." --logpath ".$out_dir." --logfile ".$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.log --force-stage";
if ( ($patch_slice->seq_region_name eq 'HG1472_PATCH') or ($patch_slice->seq_region_name eq 'HG858_PATCH') ) {
$command = "bsub -R'select[mem>10000] rusage[mem=10000]' -M10000000 -o ".$out_dir.$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.out -e ".
$out_dir.$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.err ".
$perl." ".$script." --dbhost ".$host." --dbport ".$port." --dbuser ".$user." --dbpass ".$pass." --dbname ".$dbname.
" --assembly ".$assembly." --altdbname ".$dbname." --altassembly ".$assembly." --chromosomes ".$ref_slice->seq_region_name.
" --altchromosomes ".$patch_slice->seq_region_name." --logpath ".$out_dir." --logfile ".$patch_slice->seq_region_name."_nonident.log --force-stage";
print $command."\n";
my $cmd_rtn = `$command`;
print $cmd_rtn."\n";
my $ref_chromosomes = join ",", @ref_chroms;
my $patch_chromosomes = join ",", @patch_chroms;
$command = "bsub -R\"select[mem>3800] rusage[mem=3800]\" -M3800000 -o ".$out_dir."component_ident.out -e ".$out_dir."component_ident.err ".
$perl." ".$script." --host ".$host." --port ".$port." --user ".$user." --pass ".$pass." --dbname ".$dbname." --altdbname ".$dbname.
" --assembly ".$assembly." --altassembly ".$assembly." --chromosomes ".$ref_chromosomes.
" --altchromosomes ".$patch_chromosomes." --logpath ".$out_dir." --logfile component_ident.log";
print $command."\n";
my $cmd_rtn = `$command`;
print $cmd_rtn."\n";
my $ref_chromosomes = join ",", @ref_chroms;
my $patch_chromosomes = join ",", @patch_chroms;
$command = "bsub -o ".$out_dir."new_align_session.out -e ".$out_dir."new_align_session.err ".
$perl." ".$script." --host ".$host." --port ".$port." --user ".$user." --pass ".$pass." --dbname ".$dbname." --altdbname ".$dbname.
" --assembly ".$assembly." --altassembly ".$assembly." --chromosomes ".$ref_chromosomes.
" --altchromosomes ".$patch_chromosomes." --logpath ".$out_dir." --logfile new_align_session.log -author patch -nolog";
print $command."\n";
my $cmd_rtn = `$command`;
print $cmd_rtn."\n";
my $ref_chromosomes = join ",", @ref_chroms;
my $patch_chromosomes = join ",", @patch_chroms;
$command = "bsub -o ".$out_dir."fix_overlap.out -e ".$out_dir."fix_overlap.err ".
$perl." ".$script." --dbhost ".$host." --dbport ".$port." --dbuser ".$user." --dbname ".$dbname." --altdbname ".$dbname.
" --dbpass ".$pass." --assembly ".$assembly." --altassembly ".$assembly." --chromosomes ".$ref_chromosomes." --altchromosomes ".
$patch_chromosomes." --logpath ".$out_dir." --logfile fix_overlap.log --force-stage";
print $command."\n";
my $cmd_rtn = `$command`;
print $cmd_rtn."\n";
print "Completed\n";
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