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Commit c58e700e authored by Glenn Proctor's avatar Glenn Proctor
Browse files

Added gene display_xref calculation (not fully tested yet).

parent 3d3d6858
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......@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ sub get_set_lists{
# ["method2",[$self->species,"*"]],
# ["method3",["*","*"]]];
#return [["ExonerateGappedBest1", ["homo_sapiens","Uniprot/SWISSPROT"]]];
return [["ExonerateGappedBest1", ["homo_sapiens","RefSeq"]]];
return [["ExonerateGappedBest1", ["homo_sapiens","Uniprot/SWISSPROT"]]];
#return [["ExonerateGappedBest1", ["homo_sapiens","RefSeq"]]];
# return [["ExonerateBest1",["*","*"]]];
......@@ -1036,7 +1036,9 @@ sub dump_xrefs {
print "Before calling display_xref, object_xref_mappings size " . scalar (keys %{$object_xref_mappings}) . "\n";
# calculate display_xref_ids for transcripts and genes
$self->build_transcript_display_xrefs($object_xref_mappings, $xref_id_offset);
my $transcript_display_xrefs = $self->build_transcript_display_xrefs($object_xref_mappings, $xref_id_offset);
......@@ -1098,30 +1100,49 @@ sub build_transcript_display_xrefs {
print "Got " . scalar(keys %xref_to_source) . " xref-source mappings\n";
# Cache the list of translation->transcript mappings
print "Building translation to transcript mappings\n";
my %translation_to_transcript;
my $sth = $self->dbi()->prepare("SELECT translation_id, transcript_id FROM translation");
my ($translation_id, $transcript_id);
$sth->bind_columns(\$translation_id, \$transcript_id);
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$translation_to_transcript{$translation_id} = $transcript_id;
print "Building transcript display_xrefs\n";
my @priorities = $self->transcript_display_xref_sources();
open (TRANSCRIPT_DX, ">transcript_display_xref.sql");
my $n;
# go through each transcript/xref mapping
foreach my $key (keys %{$object_xref_mappings}) {
my $n = 0;
# go through each object/xref mapping
# store the best ones as we go along
# hash keyed on transcript id, value is xref_id:source prioirity index
# xref is stored with offset added
# Note xrefs to translations are also considered; transcript ID is always stored
my %transcript_display_xrefs;
foreach my $key (keys %{$object_xref_mappings}) {
my ($type, $obj) = split /:/, $key;
next if ($type !~ /Transcript/i);
next if ($type !~ /(Transcript|Translation)/i);
# if a transcript has more than one associated xref,
# use the one with the highest priority, i.e. lower list position in @priorities
my @xrefs = @{$object_xref_mappings->{$key}};
my ($best_xref, $best_xref_idx);
$best_xref_idx = 99999;
my ($best_xref, $best_xref_priority_idx);
$best_xref_priority_idx = 99999;
foreach my $xref (@xrefs) {
my $source = $xref_to_source{$xref};
if ($source) {
my $i = find_in_list($source, @priorities);
if ($i > -1 && $i < $best_xref_idx) {
if ($i > -1 && $i < $best_xref_priority_idx) {
$best_xref = $xref;
$best_xref_idx = $i;
$best_xref_priority_idx = $i;
} else {
warn("Couldn't find a source for xref $xref \n");
......@@ -1131,15 +1152,117 @@ sub build_transcript_display_xrefs {
if (!$best_xref) {
warn("Couldn't find a display xref for transcript id $obj\n");
} else {
# If transcript, store directly
# If translation, lookup transcript id
my $object_id;
if ($type =~ /Transcript/i) {
$object_id = $obj;
} elsif ($type =~ /Translation/i) {
$object_id = $translation_to_transcript{$obj};
# Write record with xref_id_offset
print TRANSCRIPT_DX "UPDATE transcript SET display_xref_id=" . ($best_xref+$xref_id_offset) . " WHERE transcript_id=" . $obj . "\n";
print TRANSCRIPT_DX "UPDATE transcript SET display_xref_id=" . ($best_xref+$xref_id_offset) . " WHERE transcript_id=" . $object_id . ";\n";
my $value = ($best_xref+$xref_id_offset) . ":" . $best_xref_priority_idx;
$transcript_display_xrefs{$object_id} = $value;
print "Wrote $n transcript display_xref entries to transcript_display_xref.sql\n";
return \%transcript_display_xrefs;
# Assign display_xrefs to genes based on transcripts
# Gene gets the display xref of the highest priority of all of its transcripts
# If more than one transcript with the same priority, longer transcript is used
sub build_gene_display_xrefs {
my ($self, $transcript_display_xrefs) = @_;
my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-species => $self->species(),
-dbname => $self->dbname(),
-host => $self->host(),
-port => $self->port(),
-password => $self->password(),
-user => $self->user(),
-group => 'core');
my $ta = $db->get_TranscriptAdaptor();
print "Building gene display_xrefs\n";
print "Getting transcripts for all genes\n";
my $sql = "SELECT gene_id, transcript_id FROM transcript";
my $sth = $self->dbi()->prepare($sql);
my ($gene_id, $transcript_id);
$sth->bind_columns(\$gene_id, \$transcript_id);
my %genes_to_transcripts;
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
push @{$genes_to_transcripts{$gene_id}}, $transcript_id;
print "Got " . scalar keys(%genes_to_transcripts) . " genes\n";
print "Assigning display_xrefs to genes\n";
open (GENE_DX, ">gene_display_xref.sql");
my $hit = 0;
my $miss = 0;
foreach my $gene_id (keys %genes_to_transcripts) {
my @transcripts = @{$genes_to_transcripts{$gene_id}};
my $best_xref;
my $best_xref_priority_idx = 99999;
my $best_transcript_length = -1;
foreach my $transcript_id (@transcripts) {
next if (!$transcript_display_xrefs->{$transcript_id});
my ($xref_id, $priority) = split (/:/, $transcript_display_xrefs->{$transcript_id});
#print "gene $gene_id orig:" . $transcript_display_xrefs->{$transcript_id} . " xref id: " . $xref_id . " pri " . $priority . "\n";
my $transcript = $ta->fetch_by_dbID($transcript_id);
my $transcript_length = $transcript->length();
if ($priority lt $best_xref_priority_idx) {
#print "greater for gene $gene_id ts length $transcript_length best $best_transcript_length\n";
$best_transcript_length = $transcript_length;
$best_xref_priority_idx = $priority;
$best_xref = $xref_id;
} elsif ($priority eq $best_xref_priority_idx) {
#print "equal for gene $gene_id ts length $transcript_length best $best_transcript_length\n";
if ($transcript_length gt $best_transcript_length) {
$best_transcript_length = $transcript_length;
$best_xref_priority_idx = $priority;
$best_xref = $xref_id;
#print "here, gene $gene_id best xref now $best_xref\n";
if (!$best_xref) {
#XXXwarn("Couldn't find a display xref for gene id $gene_id\n");
} else {
# Write record
print GENE_DX "UPDATE gene SET display_xref_id=" . $best_xref . " WHERE gene_id=" . $gene_id . ";\n";
close (GENE_DX);
print "Wrote $hit gene display_xref entries to gene_display_xref.sql\n";
print "Couldn't find display_xrefs for $miss genes\n";
# Display xref sources to be used for transcripts *in order of priority*
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