#calculate the consequence type of the Allele if different from the reference Allele
if(($opposite_strand&&$allele->ref_allele_stringeq$allele_string)||(!$opposite_strand&&$allele->ref_allele_stringeq$reverse_string)){#same allele as reference, there is no consequence, called SARA
#if (($opposite_strand && $allele->ref_allele_string eq $allele_string) || (!$opposite_strand && $allele->ref_allele_string eq $allele_string)){ #same allele as reference, there is no consequence, called SARA
if($allele->ref_allele_stringeq$allele_string){#same allele as reference, there is no consequence, called SARA
#same allele as reference, there is no consequence, called SARA
#we have to calculate if there are more than 2 in the same codon