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Commit dfe09726 authored by Andy Yates's avatar Andy Yates
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Sometimes we need to allow for the automatic retrying of a transaction. Test cases added

parent 9f90c98f
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......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(assert_ref check_ref);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
use English qw( -no_match_vars ); #Used for $PROCESS_ID
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); #Used to not hold a strong ref to DBConnection
......@@ -495,7 +495,15 @@ sub execute_single_result {
Arg [CALLBACK] : The callback used for transaction isolation; once
the subroutine exists the code will decide on rollback
or commit
or commit. Required
Arg [RETRY] : Int; the number of retries to attempt with this
transactional block. Defaults to 0.
Arg [PAUSE] : Int; the time in seconds to pause in-between retries.
Defaults to 1.
Arg [CONDITION] : Code ref; allows you to inspect the exception raised
and should your callback return true then the
retry will be attempted. If not given then all
exceptions mean attempt a retry (if specified)
Returntype : Return of the callback
Exceptions : If errors occur in the execution of the SQL
Status : Stable
......@@ -537,15 +545,60 @@ block of code which is meant to to be transaction can be wrapped in
this block ( assuming the same instance of SQLHelper is passed around &
You can also request the retry of a transactional block of code which is
causing problems. This is not a perfect solution as it indicates your
programming model is broken. This mode can be specified as such:
my $val = $helper->transaction(
-RETRY => 3, -PAUSE => 2,
-CALLBACK => sub {
my ($dbc) = @_;
#Do something
return 1;
} );
The C<-RETRY> argument indicates the number of times we attempt the transaction
and C<-PAUSE> indicates the time in-between attempts. These retries will
only occur in the root transaction block i.e. you cannot influence the
retry system in a sub transaction. You can influence if the retry is done with
the C<-CONDITION> argument which accepts a Code reference (same as the
C<-CALLBACK> parameter). This allows you to inspect the error thrown to
retry only in some situations e.g.
my $val = $helper->transaction(
-RETRY => 3, -PAUSE => 2,
-CALLBACK => sub {
my ($dbc) = @_;
#Do something
return 1;
-CONDITION => sub {
my ($error) = @_;
return ( $error =~ /deadlock/ ) ? 1 : 0;
Here we attempt a transaction and will B<only> retry when we have an error
with the phrase deadlock.
sub transaction {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my ($callback) = rearrange([qw(callback)], @args);
my ($callback, $retry, $pause, $condition) = rearrange([qw(callback retry pause condition)], @args);
throw('Callback was not a CodeRef. Got a reference of type ['.ref($callback).']')
unless check_ref($callback, 'CODE');
#Setup defaults
$retry = 0 unless defined $retry;
$pause = 1 unless defined $pause;
$condition = sub {
return 1;
} unless defined $condition;
assert_ref($condition, 'CODE');
my $dbc = $self->db_connection();
my $original_dwi;
......@@ -558,31 +611,40 @@ sub transaction {
#session & wait for the parent transaction(s) to finish
my $perform_transaction = $self->_perform_transaction_code();
if($perform_transaction) {
$original_dwi = $dbc->disconnect_when_inactive();
$ac = $dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'};
$dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;
($original_dwi, $ac) = $self->_enable_transaction();
if(!$error) {
else {
$retry = 0;
for(my $iteration = 0; $iteration <= $retry; $iteration++) {
eval {
$result = $callback->($dbc);
$dbc->db_handle()->commit() if $perform_transaction;
$error = $@;
#If we were allowed to deal with the error then we apply rollbacks & then
#retry or leave to the remainder of the code to throw
if($perform_transaction && $error) {
eval { $dbc->db_handle()->rollback(); };
#If we were not on our last iteration then warn & allow the retry
if($iteration != $retry) {
if($condition->($error)) {
warn("Encountered error on attempt ${iteration} of ${retry} and have issued a rollback. Will retry after sleeping for $pause second(s): $error");
sleep $pause;
else {
last; #break early if condition of error was not matched
if($perform_transaction) {
if($error) {
eval { $dbc->db_handle()->rollback(); };
$dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'} = $ac;
$self->_disable_transaction($original_dwi, $ac);
throw("Transaction aborted because of error: ${error}") if $error;
throw("ABORT: Transaction aborted because of error: ${error}") if $error;
return $result;
......@@ -807,12 +869,20 @@ sub _perform_transaction_code {
sub _enable_transaction {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dbc = $self->db_connection();
my $original_dwi = $dbc->disconnect_when_inactive();
my $ac = $dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'};
$dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;
$self->{_transaction_active}->{$PROCESS_ID} = 1;
return ($original_dwi, $ac);
sub _disable_transaction {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($self, $original_dwi, $ac) = @_;
my $dbc = $self->db_connection();
$dbc->db_handle()->{'AutoCommit'} = $ac;
delete $self->{_transaction_active}->{$PROCESS_ID};
......@@ -909,7 +979,7 @@ sub _base_execute {
sub _finish_sth {
my ($self, $sth) = @_;
eval { $sth->finish() if defined $sth; };
warning('Cannot finish() the statement handle: $@') if $@;
warn('Cannot finish() the statement handle: $@') if $@;
......@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::TestUtils;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SqlHelper;
#Redefine the WARN sig to note the errors (most are just from transaction retry)
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
note @_;
return 1;
my $multi = Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB->new();
my $dba = $multi->get_DBAdaptor( 'core' );
ok( $dba, 'Test database instatiated' );
......@@ -28,7 +34,7 @@ ok ( $helper, 'SqlHelper instance was created' );
my $meta_key = 'species.common_name';
diag("Meta key queries working with ${meta_key}. If the tests fail then check for it in the DB dumps");
note("Meta key queries working with ${meta_key}. If the tests fail then check for it in the DB dumps");
$helper->execute_single_result(-SQL => qq{select count(*) from meta where meta_key = '$meta_key'}),
......@@ -173,6 +179,106 @@ my $get_value = sub {
is_deeply($new_count_hash, $meta_count_hash, 'Counts of meta keys should be the same');
#Testing transactional retry
my $new_meta_value = 'test';
# First try retries until the very last attempt
my $counter = 0;
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 3, -SLEEP => 1, -CALLBACK => sub {
#Die for the first 3 times (so we will succeed on the final attempt)
if($counter != 4) {
die 'Throwing an error to be ignored';
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'update meta set meta_value =? where meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$new_meta_value, $meta_key]);
is($counter, 4, 'Counter should be set to 4 as we tried 4 attempts at writing (one go & 3 retries)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have gone through after retries');
#Second try will fail as we exhaust our retries
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 2, -CALLBACK => sub {
die 'Throwing an error 2';
} qr /Throwing an error 2/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 3, 'Counter should be set to 3 as we had 3 attempts at writing (one go & 2 retries)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have done nothing');
#Third one says we cannot influence the retry count from a sub-transaction
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 1, -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 10, -CALLBACK => sub {
die 'Throwing an error 3';
} qr /Throwing an error 3/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 2, 'Counter should be set to 2 as we had 2 attempts at writing (one go & 1 retry)');
is($get_value->(), $new_meta_value, 'Commit should have done nothing');
#Fourth says we only retry when we find a specific issue
my $counter = 0;
throws_ok {
-RETRY => 4,
-CALLBACK => sub {
die 'fake deadlock' if $counter <= 2;
die 'Throwing an error 4';
-CONDITION => sub {
my ($error) = @_;
return ( $error =~ /deadlock/ ) ? 1 : 0;
} qr /Throwing an error 4/, 'Correct error thrown';
is($counter, 3, 'Counter should be set to 3 as we had 2 fake deadlocks & 1 real error even though we allowed more retries');
#Fith says we sleep for at least the amount we say
my $counter = 0;
my $time = time();
$helper->transaction( -RETRY => 1, -PAUSE => 2, -CALLBACK => sub {
if($counter != 2) {
die 'Throwing an error 5';
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'delete from meta where meta_value =? and meta_key =?', -PARAMS => [$new_meta_value, $meta_key]);
my $elapsed = time() - $time;
cmp_ok($elapsed, '>=', 2, 'Checking more than 2 seconds elapsed between retries');
-SQL => 'select count(*) from meta where meta_key =? and meta_value=?',
-PARAMS => [$meta_key, $new_meta_value]
), 0,
'Commit will have deleted the meta_key row '.$meta_key);
$helper->transaction( -CALLBACK => sub {
$helper->execute_update(-SQL => 'delete from meta');
$helper->batch(-SQL => 'insert into meta values (?,?,?,?)', -DATA => $meta_memoize);
#Doing hashref checks
my $sql = 'select meta_key, meta_value from meta where meta_key =?';
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