390 zfish_female_head_intron Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from female head Female head intron 1 {'colour_key' => 'intron_support','type' => 'support','zmenu' => 'Supporting_alignment'}
390 zfish_female_head_intron Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from female head Female head intron 1 {'colour_key' => 'intron_support','type' => 'support','zmenu' => 'Supporting_alignment'}
391 zfish_1dpf_intron Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from 1 day post fertilization embryos 1dpf intron 1 {'colour_key' => 'intron_support','type' => 'support','zmenu' => 'Supporting_alignment'}
391 zfish_1dpf_intron Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from 1 day post fertilization embryos 1dpf intron 1 {'colour_key' => 'intron_support','type' => 'support','zmenu' => 'Supporting_alignment'}
392 dog_ensembl_proteins Selected Ensembl-predicted dog peptide sequences aligned to the genome using <a rel="external" href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/31">Exonerate</a>. Dog Ensembl prot. 1 {'label_key' => '[text_label] [display_label]','default' => {'contigviewbottom' => 'transcript_label','contigviewtop' => 'gene_label','cytoview' => 'gene_label','MultiTop' => 'gene_label','MultiBottom' => 'collapsed_label','alignsliceviewbottom' => 'as_collapsed_label'}}
392 dog_ensembl_proteins Selected Ensembl-predicted dog peptide sequences aligned to the genome using <a rel="external" href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/31">Exonerate</a>. Dog Ensembl prot. 1 {'label_key' => '[text_label] [display_label]','default' => {'contigviewbottom' => 'transcript_label','contigviewtop' => 'gene_label','cytoview' => 'gene_label','MultiTop' => 'gene_label','MultiBottom' => 'collapsed_label','alignsliceviewbottom' => 'as_collapsed_label'}}
8045 IKMC_No_products_available_yet IKMC No products available yet 1 { 'ext_url' => 'KNOCKOUTMOUSE' }
8045 IKMC_No_products_available_yet IKMC No products available yet IKMC No products available yet 1 { 'ext_url' => 'KNOCKOUTMOUSE' }