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Vega specific code merged from release/75

Merged Marek Szuba requested to merge github/fork/ens-st3/master into master
1 file
+ 106
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@@ -2141,6 +2141,107 @@ sub remove_duplicate_attribs {
$dbh->do(qq(drop table nondup_${table}_attrib));
=head2 sav_seq
Arg[1] : string (sequence to save)
Example : $support->save_seq('ACGT')
Description : creates a temporary file containing the sequence you give it
Return type : string (filename)
Caller : general
Status : stable
sub save_seq {
my $self = shift;
my $content = shift ;
my $seq_file = $self->param('logpath') . '/SEQ_' . time() . int(rand()*100000000) . $$;
open (TMP,">$seq_file") or die("Cannot create working file.$!");
print TMP $content;
close TMP;
return ($seq_file);
=head2 get_alignment
Arg[1] : string (first sequence)
Arg[1] : string (second sequence)
Arg[1] : string (sequence type))
Example : $support->get_alignment('AAAAA','CCCCCCC','DNA')
Description : creates a temporary file containing the sequence you give it
Return type : string (filename)
Caller : general
Status : stable
sub get_alignment {
my $self = shift;
my $ext_seq = shift || return undef;
my $int_seq = shift || return undef;
$int_seq =~ s/<br \/>//g;
my $seq_type = shift || return undef;
# To stop box running out of memory - put an upper limit on the size of sequence
# that alignview can handle
if (length $int_seq > 1e6 || length $ext_seq > 1e6) {
$self->log_error('Cannot align if sequence > 1 Mbase');
my $int_seq_file = $self->save_seq($int_seq);
my $ext_seq_file = $self->save_seq($ext_seq);
my $label_width = '22'; # width of column for e! object label
my $output_width = 61; # width of alignment
my $dnaAlignExe = '/localsw/bin/emboss/bin/matcher -asequence %s -bsequence %s -outfile %s';
my $pepAlignExe = '/localsw/bin/wise2/bin/psw -dymem explicit -m /localsw/bin/wise2/wisecfg/blosum62.bla %s %s -n %s -w %s > %s';
my $out_file = time() . int(rand()*100000000) . $$;
$out_file = $self->param('logpath').'/' . $out_file . '.out';
my $command;
if ($seq_type eq 'DNA') {
$command = sprintf $dnaAlignExe, $int_seq_file, $ext_seq_file, $out_file;
unless (open(OUT, "<$out_file")) {
$command = sprintf $dnaAlignExe, $int_seq_file, $ext_seq_file, $out_file;
elsif ($seq_type eq 'PEP') {
$command = sprintf $pepAlignExe, $int_seq_file, $ext_seq_file, $label_width, $output_width, $out_file;
unless (open(OUT, "<$out_file")) {
$self->log_warning("Cannot open alignment file\n");
my $alignment ;
while (<OUT>) {
next if $_ =~
|Rundate: #matcher
|Commandline #matcher
|asequence #matcher
|bsequence #matcher
|outfile #matcher
|aformat #matcher
|Align_format #matcher
|Report_file #matcher
$alignment .= $_;
$alignment =~ s/\n+$//;
unlink $out_file;
unlink $int_seq_file;
unlink $ext_seq_file;
return $alignment;
sub allowed_duplicate_regions {
my $self = shift;
@@ -2159,7 +2260,7 @@ sub allowed_duplicate_regions {
'6-SSTO' => 'all',
'19' => '54600000:55600000',
'19' => '54020000:54910000',
'19-PGF_1' => 'all',
'19-PGF_2' => 'all',
'19-COX_1' => 'all',
@@ -2252,6 +2353,10 @@ sub allowed_duplicate_regions {
'7' => '24728583:29807435',
'7-LW' => 'all',
'X' => 'all',
'X-WTSI' => 'all',
'zebrafish' => [],
'gorilla' => [],