fix patch name
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11- Magali Ruffier authored
Created by: magaliruffier
One or more sentences describing in detail the proposed changes.
Update wrongly labelled patch name
Describe the problem. Please provide an example representing the motivation behind the need for having these changes in place.
The patch file was labelled _b but named _c, leading to inconsistency.
If applicable, describe the advantages the changes will have.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget diam quis leo faucibus sagittis. Sed dapibus, magna ut porttitor malesuada, lorem purus tincidunt magna, ut dignissim mi quam et elit.
If applicable, describe any possible undesirable consequence of the changes.
The patch name is consistent across the board. New patches will be labelled alphabetically without confusion.
Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes?
If so, do the tests pass/fail?
Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected?