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revert RefSeqGPFFParser to master branch version

Marek Szuba requested to merge RefSeqGPFF_revert into feature/xref_sprint

Created by: tgrego


RefSeqGPFFParser has been updated, but WormbaseCElegansRefSeqGPFFParser depends on it and has not been fully updated to be compatible with the changes. Thus RefSeqGPFFParser is being reversed in this branch for merge with master to be possible. The work done on RefSeqGPFFParser is still availabe on the ensembl-xref repo.

Use case



Salvage more work from the 2018 xref sprint.

Possible Drawbacks

none I can see


Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes? no If so, do the tests pass/fail? yes Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected? yes

Merge request reports