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  • 101_provider_metakeyupdate
  • 102
  • 102_provider_metakeyupdate
  • 102_testdbpatching
  • 102_versionbump
  • 103_provider_metakeyupdate
  • 103_testdbpatch
  • 103_versionbump
  • 104_testdbpatch
  • 104_versionbump
  • 105_version_bump
  • 108_schema_patch
  • 108_versionbump
  • 109_versionbump
  • Bugfix/ComparaTest
  • Bugfix/CompressedHexDb
  • Bugfix/CompressedHexDb_103
  • Bugfix/Null_translation_id
  • Bugfix/PingErrorMsg
  • Bugfix/TestDbs
  • cpan/113.0.0
  • cpan/112.0.0
  • cvs/release/ensembl/74
  • cvs/release/ensembl/73
  • cvs/attic/branch-e73-db-portability
  • cvs/attic/tag-ensemblgenomes-20-73
  • cvs/release/ensemblgenomes/20-73
  • cvs/attic/unconventional_removal_branch
  • cvs/attic/api_cleanup
  • cvs/attic/unconventional_removal
  • cvs/attic/api_removal
  • cvs/attic/remove_dnac
  • cvs/attic/branch-switchable_adaptors
  • cvs/attic/branch-additional_id_cache
  • cvs/attic/branch-e72-db-portability
  • cvs/attic/branch-e71-db-portability
  • cvs/release/ensembl/72
  • cvs/attic/ensembl_all_alleles
  • cvs/attic/branch-expression_data
  • cvs/release/ensemblgenomes/19-72
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.08Jan7421Dec201917141312111076543230Nov2928272623222120191817161413129876532131Oct3029262524232218171615121098543128Sep2725242118171413121110654330Aug2924232221201716151413109876432131Jul3027262524232019181613119543229Jun282726252322patch submitted by ak4. --dumppath flag is not needed unless -dropbaks is onOnly use the coordinates with the smaller seq_region_id (usually 1-22,X,Y) to avoid mapping the LRG to the patch regionOnly use the coordinates with the smaller seq_region_id (usually 1-22,X,Y) to avoid mapping the LRG to the patch regionUses the new Net moduleKaryotype assigner. Don't like it being here but it's got to go in.Adding net based modulesAdded UniGene::* plants specific sources, and IPI::arabidopsis_thaliana sourceAdded UniGene::* plants specific sources, and IPI::arabidopsis_thaliana sourceInitial commit. Written by Mikkel. Mikkel is doing something kinky with source ids.Improved variable names. Mikkel is doing something kinky with source ids.Added gene_display_xref_sources subroutine.Add synonym sources for vectorbase species.Never allow someone to commit a MultiTestDB fileHave added all plants missing species, plus all gramene plants speciesHave added all plants missing species, plus all gramene plants speciesHave replaced the deprecated "fetch_all_failed_jobs" by "fetch_all_by_analysis_id_status".check if source is HGNC or MGIdo not project all sourcesdo not add version numbers for uniprot gene namesnot all species have a common name, use production_name as a key insteadTrying to improve the readmesVery basic gff serialiser testDo not add trailing ; since this is not part of the allowed specCopy is_patch onto branch 66 now that anacode have moved on. -- ds23cvs/release/ens…cvs/release/ensembl/66 release/66 upstream/release/66Update branch 66 now loutre is on 66 to allow empty params as not missing, asLoutre password is optional onto 66 because loutre is now on 66 schema.Add get_annotrack_params to branch 66 for loutre.Adding a no_error flag to allow for simple single value querying where the number of rows returned could be ambigiousGetting rid of a script which still refers to the contig tableGo through an object and make sure everything is populated once we go through a call of $gene->load().Added the method get_all_StructuralVariationFeatures_by_size_rangeAdding get_all_IntronSupportingEvidence()Adding documentation and also switching to using typeAdding defaultsTwo modules used to check a flat file dump parsersparse annotrack db detailstypogiven two databases of the same species, compares the xrefs used for gene display to describe the statistics of what has changed between databasescvs/attic/Root_…cvs/attic/Root_ensembl_all_allelesApplied wait constraints to all three calls. Could have refactored, but the system calls are fiddly and I'll probably make more mistakes that way.Added a queue waiting command to prevent e.g. Human and Mouse projecting simultaneously when Mouse relies upon Human to be complete and correct.