- Feb 28, 2022
Stefano Giorgetti authored
- Aug 09, 2019
Marek Szuba authored
Feature/mac dmg
- May 08, 2019
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
clang failed to compile cross_match because the code uses "empty" return in a non-void context. GCC does no die on this warning but it takes a very long time to compile. By using -Wno-return-type in make, clang can compile cross_match.
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
gcc8 can compile cross_match Compiling gcc8 with libunwind-headers causes problems, we need to make sure the library is not present
Thibaut Hourlier authored
cross_match is under license so we cannot distribute a dmg with cross_match to anyone. The default is not to add cross_match
Thibaut Hourlier authored
The tarball downloaded from the Sanger FTP has a different name
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Added usage Added options to specify the different directories Create image base on otter version and MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
Thibaut Hourlier authored
We use percona for our mysql libraries. The binaries use almost 200MB but they are not needed
Thibaut Hourlier authored
If ZMap is built with mysql support, it can use the EnsC API to connect directly to any Ensembl database
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
The extra_cflags was hard coded. Here the code is trying to set it up based on the machine in it run on. If MACOSX_XCODE_PATH and MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET are set in the terminal, the values will be used.
Thibaut Hourlier authored
The test fail on some encoding test which is not supporting by newer Perl anymore. It should not cause problem but it would be better for the tests to be fixed
Thibaut Hourlier authored
If Perl doesn’t work anymore, we might need to revert this change
Thibaut Hourlier authored
The kent library is taking a lot of useless disk space in our case. We only want jkweb.a and the header files
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
For some reasons BioPerl has been submitted by someone else so either we will have to use a different regex or maybe use git to get BioPerl
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Use the prefs files to add library info to the modules
Thibaut Hourlier authored
This is not great but the test failing are about vcf and leaks. I do not have the time to check the problems now
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Use arguments instead of environment variable
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
TODO add proper options to set some variables
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
If Zircon is tested, it will be stuck in some context. The build is unlikely to fail but it would be better to try to find the real reason, fix it and do the test
Thibaut Hourlier authored
In newer versions of perl, if you use or in a return statement, the right side of the statement is not evaluated. It needs ||
Thibaut Hourlier authored
We do not need python or latest version of perl. They are removed with their dependencies. We cannot do python27 because it would remove gtk which we need
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Thibaut Hourlier authored
Config::IniFiles needed an old hacked version. According the ticket URL in README.perl_by_hand, the issue is fixed in that latest version
Thibaut Hourlier authored
It is not great and can be reverted when a proper solution is ready.