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# update copyright messgage in source file, sandwiched by CVS operations
# *Please* do this with no files active from cvs and a clean build expected
# mh17 03 Mar 2010
# Copyright(c) 2010 Genome Research Limited
# test data in CopyRight.txt, copy to a header first the run over it (the other file)
# to use on ZMap try:
#     find ~/zmap/ZMap/src -name "*.c" -exec ./CopyRight \{\} \;
#     find ~/zmap/ZMap/src -name "*.h" -exec ./CopyRight \{\} \;

use warnings;

my ($file, $date_found, $date_changed,$file_date,$new_date);
my ($ofile);
my ($year_now);
my $CVS = 1;      # use the CVS
my $many = 0;     # change more than one: good for testing

sub change_date
      for(@_)     # process our one argument directly
                  # our copyright?  let's enforce nice capitalised words
            if(/Copyright/ && /Genome/)
                  if(m/(\d+)[- ]+(\d+)/)
                        $date_found = 1;
                        $file_date = $1. '-' .$2;

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                        if($1 != 2006 || $2 != $year_now)
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                              $new_date = "2006-$year_now";
                              s/(\d+)[- ]+(\d+)/$new_date/;
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                              $date_changed = 1;
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                              print "Date changed from $file_date to $new_date\n";
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                        $date_found = 1;
                        $file_date = $1;
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                        $new_date = "2006-$year_now";
                        $date_changed = 1;
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                        print "Date changed from $file_date to $new_date\n";

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for($i = $#ARGV;$i > 0;$i--)
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      $file = shift @ARGV;
      if($file eq "-many")
            $many = 1;
      elsif($file eq "-no-CVS")
            $CVS = 0;
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$file = shift @ARGV;    # we take one file arg only
if(!$file) {      die("No file!\n"); }

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print "$file: ";

@time = localtime;
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$new_date = $year_now = $time[5] + 1900;
$file_date = "??";
$date_found = 0;
$date_changed = 0;
$lineno = 0;

      @args = ("cvs", "edit", $file);
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      # test if writeable: not sure if CVS return values are good

      if(!(-w $file))
            die("Cannot checkout $file from CVS - not writeable\n");
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open(IFILE,$file) or die("cannot open $file\n");

$ofile = $file . ".tmp";         # make tmp file in same directory
$year_now = 2010;
open(OFILE,"> ".$ofile) or die("cannot open $ofile\n");

while($line = <IFILE>)
      if($lineno < 50 && (!$date_found || $many))
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            #$line =
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      print OFILE $line;

close $ofile;

      print "No copyright date found\n";

      unlink $file or die ("Can't remove old file\n");
      rename($ofile,$file) or die("Can't update file\n");

            @args = ("cvs", "commit", "-m", "CopyRight date set", $file);
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            if(-w $file)
                  die("Copyright date set but cannot commit $file to CVS: still writeable\n");
      unlink $ofile;

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            print "Copyright date was $file_date: not changed\n";
            @args = ("cvs", "unedit", $file);
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            if(-w $file)
                  die("Can't CVS unedit $file: still writeable\n");
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