@@ -41,3 +41,47 @@ Be good to report any .c or .h files that don't have a copyright line.
<p>The script will live in the ZMap/scripts directory, as this is for build related functions, and be called 'CopyRight'. </p>
<p>In the interests of a quite life it is recommended that all files should be returned to CVS and ZMap should acheive a clean build before starting.</p>
The script is called 'CopyRight' and lives in ZMap/scripts.
It take two optional arguments and one file name:
ZMap/scripts/CopyRight [-many] [-no-CVS] filename
<p>If <b>-many</b> is not specified then only the first Copyright line is changed.</p>
<p>Only the first 50 lines of any file are subject to change.</p>
<p>if <b>-no_CVS</b> is specified the the file is processed directly and CVS is not used.</p>
<p>To process an entire source tree do something like the following: