<p>The zmapServer module exist to provide concurrent thread base interfaces to external databases. It uses the zmapThread module.
--- put this in a table and extend ---<br/>
zmapServer is the front end that is used by zmapView etc to request data.<br/>
zmapServerProtocolHandler interfaces between zmapServer and the thread base servers.<br/>
zmapServerProtocolHandler is the front end that is used by zmapView etc to request data.<br/>
zmapServer interfaces between zmapServerProtocolHandler and the thread base servers.<br/>
acedb/, DAS, and pipe/ are the servers that run in these threads.
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ acedb/, DAS, and pipe/ are the servers that run in these threads.
<h3>Related pages</h3>
<p><ahref="Design_notes/modules/zmapView.shtml#reqdata">zmapView</a> contains some notes about requesting data from pipeServer modules and other issues.</p>
<p><ahref="Design_notes/modules/pipeServer.shtml">pipeServer</a> details usage of that module.</p>
<p><ahref="Design_notes/notes/slaveThread.shtml">Threads</a> some notes about thread startup and shutdown.</p>