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Add species stats schema and a mapping between fields in response and attribute names in db

Jyothish Bhai requested to merge species-stats-openapi into main

Created by: azangru


  • Added an open API spec for Species Stats schema (converted automatically from a typescript file)
  • Added a json file containing a mapping between fields in the proposed Species Stats schema and the names of the attributes in the metadata database


  • Didn't know where to put the files. Couldn't find any dedicated place for them; so put them in the root.
  • The open api spec file in the PR focuses on the schema. It does not prescribe what to do when the client sends a request with a wrong http verb, etc. Please use your own judgement to handle this as json apis normally do
    • Having said that, one special case that web client is interested in is that in case the genome with a given genome id is not found, the server respond with a 404 status.

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Edited by Andres Veidenberg

Merge request reports