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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-docker-swarm
Apache License 2.0'Docker Swarm' implementation of Ensembl Hive Meadow interface
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This project defines a delayed job that generates CSV, TSV and SDF Files of subsets of data in ChEMBL.
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pgscatalog / fraposa_pgsc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
pgscatalog / pgscatalog_utils
Apache License 2.0Updated -
GDP-Public / pgsc_calc
Apache License 2.0A nextflow pipeline for polygenic score calculation
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Quick demonstration of server that displays indications sections of DailyMed structured product labels (SPLs, i.e. drug labels). The SPLs are exposed in their own URLs which serve as a static location so that they can be annotated with hypothes.is.
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eard compiler lib&cli; interpreter lib&cli; syntax highlighter; test suite; cli library stubs etc.
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Tung Nguyen / gitlab-k8s-python-demo
Apache License 2.0Updated -
pgscatalog / Pgsc Calc
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-htcondor
Apache License 2.0HTCondor Meadow for Ensembl Hive
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This project contains an API that serves as a proxy of elasticsearch for the interface. It handles the caching, usage statistics, contexts and standardisation of properties.
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pgscatalog / Pygscatalog
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Mohamed Alibi / Metagenomics-Assembly
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterDocker image for Metagenomics Bioinformatics Assembly session.
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Microbiome Informatics / emg-viral-pipeline
Apache License 2.0VIRify: detection of phages and eukaryotic viruses from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic assemblies
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GDP-Public / pygscatalog
Apache License 2.0Updated