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The template matching software Jess, first written by Jonathan Barker
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This repo contains the code to analyse the data for assemblies manuscript
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pdbe-kb / funpdbe / funpdbe-validator
Apache License 2.0FunPDBe Validator client that can parse and validate FunPDBe JSON files
Archived 1Updated -
AIT / test_to_be_deleted
Apache License 2.0Updated -
petsalakilab / HVSlimPred
MIT LicenseThis package complements the performance evaluation for the manuscript entitled "Use of viral motif mimicry improves the proteome-wide discovery of human linear motifs"
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Literature-services / public-projects / ML EMBL Publication Project
Apache License 2.0Updated -
EGA / ega-data-api
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Europe PMC Annotated Fulltext Corpus of 300 articles for core entity types (Gene/Proteins, Diseases and Species)
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BioStudies / subs-biostudies-agent
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Django package containing chebi models.
Archived 2Updated -
Ioannis Riziotis / Biopython
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBioPython with some changes I am making in the PDB package to fit best to my projects
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Program for generating the contact map difference between two distinct structures with (for now) the same sequence.